Chapter 32

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Back in the valley nothing much has changed. Many of Wonkru go about their daily duties upon the ground and in the bunker as usual. And Octavia, though she was still their leader, was more focused on her older brother and the friends that she was once separated from years ago. It was never too late to turn your life around and reacquaint yourself with old friends, and the younger Blake began to see that more and more with each day. What happened in the bunker for all these years needed to happen for the human race to survive, but that's all it was. Survival. Now they can get their humanity back and work on peace, real peace, at last.

Today Octavia makes her way into the dining area of the bunker where she finds not only her brother but her niece and nephew as well. The two children have been withdrawn since their mother left but Bellamy was doing all he can to comfort and bring them out of their shells again. Even if he was only the biological father of one, he was a dad to them both. And Octavia couldn't help but smile at the very thought of her brother getting the life that he always deserved after all these years.

"Auntie Tavia!" Augy calls as he waves his small arm in the air. And doing so Bellamy looks over his shoulder and gives a small smile to his sister as she walks their way.

The Blake sibling relationship hasn't healed completely but they were doing far better now than they have since everyone has been reunite. Octavia knows of her past transgressions and how they have not only affected the people in the bunker but her closest friends and family as well. And while survival was the very reason for her actions, she also know that it shouldn't be an excuse for how she's behaved lately. Now all she can do was prove to her brother and to Clarke that she can change, for the better. For not only herself and her people but for her family. And that is what Octavia Blake intends to do.

"Hey little warrior, what're you guys doing today?"

"School." Madi answers with a small roll of her eyes, making both Bellamy and Octavia chuckle under their breath.

Even through the facade the preteen puts on they know from Clarke that Madi truly does enjoy her lessons, but sometimes she would rather be doing something else; and no one can really blame her. Because the children have had multiple free days since their mother left, today was the day that they truly put their focus on what Clarke had wanted them to do.

"School huh? Well it might not be the most fun thing in the world, but it beats hiding under the floor." And her words a twinkle sparks in Madi's eye as she looks away in understanding.

This was one of the reasons why Octavia was her favorite, they both went through something similar-having to hide their existence for most of the world. Having to hide under the floor until their family was sure it was safe for them to come out. And unlike Octavia, Madi had the opportunity to not only live beyond the floor but have a life and learn like a normal kid. It was something that Octavia wish she had and wanted Madi to be grateful for. And deep down she was. Without Clarke coming into her life Madi doesn't know what her future would have looked like, she can't imagine it. Nor does she ever want to.

"I guess." Madi snarks, but smiles Octavia way.

"Okay okay no more distractions... O." Bellamy looks directly at his sister making her throw her hands in the air in mock surrender. "Now where were we?" As Bellamy goes over the notes and the journal Clark had left in the books scouted around them Madi smarts as she says,

"You were talking about the Roman empire, remember?" Octavia raises brow then knowing full well that was definitely not in Clarke's lesson plan.

"Actually I think it was-"

"Bellamy!" Both children and Blake siblings alike turn to the entrance of the dining room and find the one and only Monty running their way. He hunches over with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath, a single hand in the air as a silently asks for a moment. "Eye..."

"I? You what?" Monty shakes his head at Octavia confusion and stands straighter

"The eye. The eye in the sky.... It's down." All at once the Blake and Blake-Griffins tense. "They did it. Clarke and Echo did it."

Without another word Bellamy stands and reaches over to grab Augy as Madi stands and follows close behind them, next was Octavia. Bellamy runs down the hall and into the command room that Monty had set up in order to monitor the radio and activity of the eye. Sure enough the screen displayed looped video footage of the ground and ruins of Polis, but to the unsuspecting eye it was a normal video playing on the people in Polis.

"She did it!" Bellamy's smile widens cheek to cheek as he looks at the displayed screens. The only thing grabbing his attention was Augy patting at his eyes and wiping away the tears that the man didn't know had fallen.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

"I sure am, Augy. Guess what?"

"What?" The little boy tilt his head in such a familiar manner the Bellamy couldn't help but laugh a few more tears fall.

"We get to go home."

"Home? We can see mommy again?!"

As the man nods he hugs his son with as much strength as he can while the little boy raps his arms around his father's neck laughing and crying while at once. Tell me unwraps one arm around his boy as he hugs Madi closer to his side letting her fall into him as she hides away her own relief.

"B-lmy'?" Monty rushes to the radio as he tries to fix the crackling sound coming through on the other end. "Be-lmy! Co-n- ease."

"Monty what's wrong?" Bellamy asks, fighting the worry now rising in his chest.

He knew that voice, the very one he dream of hearing during the day and the same one who haunted his nightmares when he thought the woman to be gone. And the same woman who he found alive and thriving on the ground, not alone, but with their son. He could recognize her voice anywhere, but the tone was far to fast for it to be good news.

"It's the radio signal. Let me see if I can-"

"Bellamy, can- hear- me?"

"Mommy?" Octavia is immediately by Bellamy side as she reaches out to take the boy from his arms. Augy is hesitant and tries to hold his father closer but once he hears the voice again he goes to his aunt instead.

"Bellamy? Come in! Can- ear me?Please is any- ere?"

"Clarke?" Bellamy picks up the radio and calls back, his voice soft and low as he struggles to contain his own emotions. It's been days nearly a week since he's heard her voice. And even though he's gone 6 years without her, knowing she's alive and 300 miles away has done nothing but kill him inside. This was worse than being on the ring. Here he knew she was alive, and he also knew that she was in danger.

"Thank God! Ar- ids- okay? Are you?"

"We're fine, Princess. Everyone is fine. Are you?"static crackles on the other end and it's almost hard to make out in words even as Monty fiddles with the dials on the machine.  "Clarke you're cutting out. Can you repeat that?"

"Need-arch! Th- eye-own. You don't -ave much time. Bel-my- ease hurry!"

"Don't worry princess we're on our way. Hold on until I get there, can you do that?" But the only thing that Bellamy is met with is static. "Princess? Clarke come in!" Yet again, nothing. With a sinking feeling in his chest Bell he turns around to the others as they stand around in the room. August hugging Octavia tight as Madi stands close to her side her eyes cast downwards to the ground. While both Monty and Harper stand staring towards the radio then back at Bellamy.

"It's time to march. Now."

"I'll give the word." Octavia says as she gently lets Augy down to the ground and hurriedly leaves the room.

The eye was down but that didn't mean that the mission had gone without any hiccups. Whatever was going on in the valley Bellamy needed to get there, and soon.

Authors Note:

Chapter 33 is almost complete, and chapters 34 and 35 are half way to being finished as well. I can't make any promises but I'm hoping this story will be finished off sometime in July!

Let me know what you think!

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