“Okay calm down Kinzz. But just tell me one thing are you happy with Aahil?” asked Ali. 

“I am very happy with Aahil and you don't have to interfere in my personal life” said Kinza. 

“Well your husband is cheating on you and here are some screenshots to prove them” said Ali showing Kinza his phone. 

“Mera Aahil aisa kuch kar he nahi sakta” (My Aahil won’t do any such thing) said Kinza.

“Are you trying to just deny everything Kinzz?” asked Ali. 

“That is none of your business. I am leaving” said Kinza and started to leave and Ali caught her hand. 

“I don't understand, why do you go blind in love? Don’t you have the guts to leave a man” said Ali. 

“That man is my husband! Behave yourself” said Kinza aloud. 

“You were forced in this marriage!” said Ali. 

“Yes! I was forced into this marriage and didn’t want to marry him” said Kinza. 

“Then why are you with him?” asked Ali. 

“I was forced because I didn't want to marry anyone because of you. It was you who left me shattered. You cheated on me and I didn't believe in love but Alhamdullilah Aahil came and we are happy and it is a halal relationship” said Kinza aloud.

“Well if you want to stay with him it is your choice but know that I will always be here waiting for you…” said Ali. 

“No thankyou. I am leaving” said Kinza and went towards the door. 

“One last question Kinza… forced marriages aren't allowed in Islam then your marriage isn't halal” said Ali. 

“I was forced for marriage but I performed istikhara for Aahil and Alhamdullilah here. I stand in front of you not caring if you want me back or not otherwise the old Kinza would run behind you to come back. Goodbye Ali!” said Kinza and left. 

“Seems like you didn't ask Allah if this marriage would be peaceful or if both of you will continue the marriage together or you alone. Haha!” muttered Ali to himself and laughed aloud.

Kinza reached home by Magrib and called Aahil but he didn't receive any of her calls so she decided to drop a text and she saw Aahil’s text 

Aahil : Call me if you need me

           I miss you:(

           Where are you? 

‘Oh Allah! I didn't see them’

She quickly responded, “Heyy Jaani, I am so soo sorry. I didn't see your texts. Please come home soon. I will wait for dinner….I love you”

Aahil read those texts and didn't reply back instead he texted Kayan after a while. 

Aahil: Bhai something is wrong with my phone so I am going to the nearby shop to repair it. Don't worry if my phone is switched off. I will be late today. 

Kayan: Oho okay chote. Take care and come home soon. Kinza is waiting; she has her flight tomorrow morning.

Kinza sent a few more texts but Aahil didn't reply. He was mad at her and he switched off her phone. He hated himself for not loving KInza enough and that Kinza went back to her lover. First love is first love after all! 

Ali texted Kinza saying that Aahil is with a girl enjoying his night. Kinza didn't want to believe him but Aahil’s last night call was suspicious. She didn't want more toxicity so she decided to block Ali and waited for Aahil to come and explain. 

Untold SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora