Chapter 40

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*Kinza's past continued*

Aydin Malik (Kinza's father) reached the campus before time. Kinza's name was called out for the 'best literature student in the first year and the best basketball player. Kinza collected her award and a few certificates; she said a few words and ended the speech with, "Whatever I am today is because of my Lord's blessing and my father, my support system." 

The whole college applauded for her, and Aydin Malik came up on the stage. He kissed his daughter's forehead and said, "I am proud of you beti, May Allah, grant you success in both the worlds." 

Kinza ate some snacks with her father and decided to call Ali. She told her father that she was going to the washroom and called him while walking in the corridor, she heard Ali's phone ringing, and after a while, it went silent. She called again but what she saw broke her into tiny pieces. 

Aaliya and Ali were kissing each other, and Aaliya's front shirt button was unbuttoned while Ali had his hands on her chest. Ali and Aaliya giggled and moaned, unaware that Kinza was peeping from behind the walls. 

"So now we know who is the real hypocrite," said Kinza aloud with trembling legs. 

Ali and Aaliya separated from each other and looked at Kinza with shock all over their face. 

"You both are cheaters, and none of you cared to call me; at least get a room," said Kinza aloud.

Ali held her hand, twisted it behind her back, then pushed her towards the wall and bawled, "listen, you piece of shit! She is at least a virgin, unlike you, and about the room, I had one with you, right!"

Tears started streaming from Kinza's eyes, and she tried to remove her hand from Ali's grip, the man she loved with her whole heart disgusted her to an extent where she felt like puking on his face. 

Ali showed Kinza pictures of her where she lay naked and worse than there, Ali was beside her shirtless. 

"I hate you, Ali!" cried Kinza.

"Everyone does that once they have fun..." 

"Let me go!" cried Kinza

"Let her go, baby before she creates a scene," said Aaliya tapping on Ali's shoulder. 

"Baby?" Ali scoffed. 

"What is wrong?" asked Aaliya. 

Ali let Kinza's hand go, and Kinza ran as fast as she could hear their voices behind her...."I was just hooking up; we aren't dating. I mean, I didn't even love that silky soft milky girl who are you then!" laughed Ali. 

Kinza felt disgusted about the fact that she was with Ali, and even though she felt terrible for Aaliya, she wasn't sorry for it because what goes around comes around. 

Kinza slowed down, and her tears dried up. She wasn't crying anymore, neither was she angry. It was as if she had lost all her emotions. She went towards her father and told him she wants to go home. She sat on the driver's seat and started to drive. She could hear her father saying something, but it was faint as her mind was full of what she saw and heard. "Bacche sambhaalke (Child be careful), please go slow," said Kinza's father aloud, and when Kinza realized what he said, she pressed the accelerator hard instead of the break. Before she could control and understand what happened, a truck came from the wrong side and hit their car. 

Kinza survived, but her father didn't; Kinza woke up after 2 days, and her father died an hour after that. His body suffered a lot of blood loss, and as the truck had hit his side, his brain stopped functioning. Kinza's hair had to be cut like pieces of glass had hit her head and were stuck on her scalp. She underwent two surgeries. This was why she believed she had killed her father and the reason she was scared of speed and didn't drive since that day. Even though it was the truck driver's fault, she thought she could have been attentive and could have prevented the accident. 

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