Chapter 13

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"This is a ribbon and there are in total 27 ribbons, after you have found all 27 ribbons. You will find your gift after you have found all your ribbons. You have to find all 27 of them with the help of given clues, and your gift is wrapped in a box with the same black color ribbon" explained Hayat and Kinza nodded.

The first ribbon was given by Hayat and then Kinza went under the basement with the given clue. It was stuck on the chair, the second one was on the ceiling, the third one on the door corner and on and on....

All the clues were over when Kinza came in front of a door, she opened it and only Hayat and Aahil entered the room with her. The room was full of transparent- light balloons. They were the balloons which Kinza used to buy in college and she loved them, she turned around and hugged her.

"Come on! You still have to find 2 more ribbons" said Hayat and pushed Kinza a little ahead

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Come on! You still have to find 2 more ribbons" said Hayat and pushed Kinza a little ahead.

Kinza almost tripped on a chair and the chair fell, the second last ribbon was under the chair...she took it and she saw on her side there was a beautiful box in white color wrapped with a black ribbon. She opened it and black and white balloons came out of it, she removed them and there was an album in it. On top of the album it was written, 'MEMORIES'

Kinza opened the album and on a transparent sheet of paper, there was a date written:

'07 January 1992' Kinza was surprised and she turned the transparent sheet there was a picture of a woman on bed...

"Haa...Hayat this is..mamma...Hayat..." cried Kinza and Hayat hugged and said, "Turn over the page, there is a lot more to go"

On the next transparent sheet, the date was....'09 January 1992...'

It was the day Kinza was born, her eyes watered and hands shivered to open it. Hayat turned the sheet for her and there was a cute, chubby new born baby wrapped in a pink romper and wrapped in white shawl. The baby was in her mother's was definitely Kinza..Kinza had never seen this picture, She fell on her knees and cried, kissed the picture a billion times and after a while she asked, "Ye kaha se mili?" (Where did you get these pictures from?)

"Well that is a long should see some more pictures" said Aahil putting a hand on Kinza's shoulder. Kinza smiled with tears in her eyes. The pain she had was soo much but she was happy seeing those painful memories. This was the first picture she had with her mother. Nobody knew what happened to her mother except Hayat.

The next page had similar pictures but this time her dad was there in those pictures. In some pictures Kinza was crying and in some she slept. Kinza hugged the album, it was as if she was hugging her parent's. She missed them and loved them. She opened the album and kissed those pictures and whispered, "I love you both to..the square of infinity"

Aahil side hugged her and patted her head, held her hand and said, "They are here in your heart and you can always pray for them"

"Where did you get these pictures from?" asked Kinza looking towards Aahil and Hayat.

Untold Secretsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن