Chapter 33

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AN: I am so sorry for the late update. I am having a hectic schedule this days.. so I might be updating rarely. I am so sorry everyone


Heeseung's POV

What a silly play.. I hate it. But since the story is great and my grades are at risk, I need to do it

"Okay! Everyone!! Gather up.. Let's try a dry run" the teacher said as she pointed at the seats forming a circle "I can't seem to find our heroine~ Mr. Lee??!!" She called and I just walk to her direction

"Don't panic. I am here" I said raising the script

Avy was actually here, which makes me less nervous. But then when Ms. ___ called for my partner in the play. It made me feel even worse, it was Jieun.

"She will be our Taehee in the play" she announced as all of the students clapped for her presence.

I look at Avy's reaction and it was just blank

She doesn't give me any impression at all??

"We are missing one important role" the teacher announced as she look around but she didn't find the person she was looking for "

"Ohhh!!! Teacher!!!!" A boy came rushing in the room as he was swaying a paper.


"Does he even know how to act??" I look at him approaching us excitedly and when he stopped he was panting.

As I told that, the teacher's eyes were blazing with fire "what took you so long?" She asked and Jay just smiled and said he got lost on the way here. Everyone laughed at what he said

"Since we all meet each other.. we might as well try to read it out loud and correct your tone" the teacher said as she sat "Avy~ Come here and judge every word they say" the teacher suddenly said and she was flattered because of the teacher's sudden decision

"Ohh" she just replied and sat beside her

"Teacher... hmm... can you exchange places with Avy??"Jay suddenly spoke which made us all look at him

"Whh--" he stopped the teacher from speaking

"I kind of have my full confidence when she is right here beside me.. please teacher~ I will really perform my best" Jay pleaded and Miss Park was speechless, so she just exchange places with Avy

"And you have guts to tell me that?" The teacher awkwardly smiled "Everyone~~ Let's start!" She said

Avy's POV

Jay always poke me and always ask me what would he do and the tone of his voice to every line he has. It is quite exhausting but he always keep on making me smile.

Observing his actions, he purposely makes mistakes to see me being happy with him.

"Jay~ I need Avy today.. don't disturb" Miss Park pulled me and signalled me to stay focus and judge everyone's role

After being with them the whole time, I also set the date and the time for our next practice. Many questioned me, because they said I am just a mere staff to help them during the play. When Miss Pqrk was about to respond, I quickly stop her and signalled her to never say anything about me being the writer.

"Miss Park.. She is just a staff. She doesn't know abou--"

"Yeah! She is just a mere staff but can you imagine if she didn't help you with your lousy acting, you can never be good in stage" Jay stood up for me

"Such a pity.. A man likely likes to criticize people but you don't even know you are good enough" Heeseung grinned and the man lowered his head out of embarrassment

"Enough!! Everyone dismissed!!!" Our teacher shouted as I saw them all left us in the room

I just sighed and placed all the materials that will be needed in the play. Cloths, for designs, swords, paintings and everything

I opened my phone and sent a message to my most loyal friend to lend me a hand in preparing all the materials. Since Miss Park forgot to assign students to help me with the preparation

A little longer, while I was sewing the clothes a lunch box was placed infront of Mr. Just in time, I am really hungry

"Thank you D---- Jay" I just smiled

"Why are you here alone??... do you need a hand??" He asked as he sat beside me and was looking at my hand which has so many scratches and numbed

I noticed him and quickly hide my finger "that was nothing" I told him

He then bring a band aid out and grab my hand "you always prick your fingers, look at that it's swelling.. argh!" He said as he was placing that piece of band aid on it "let me do it" he said as he steal the cloth away from me

"Do you even know how to do kinds of stuff like this?" I asked him and was observing

"No~ but I am a fast learner. You can teach me" he was a cunning fox. He put his two hands infront of me like he was demanding me to hold on to it while I tea h him how to.

A person suddenly pushed him away, causing him to fell on the floor "yah! You're thirsty right?" Heeseung said as he just threw the bottles water to me

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I thought you need someone to help out" he said

"Ohh~~ are they helping us out, Avy??" Dae said rushing inside the room as she was excited to see them both here

After a while 5 boys came dashing in the room to help us with the designs.

"Who even do things like this on their own... this is cruel and merciless" Sunoo complained as he was cutting some paper and suddenly look at me sharp in the eyes

What'd I do?? I didn't call you here

"How can you handle of this?" Niki asked me

"I just love to do the designs and stuff like that. It is my stress reliever, I think" I responded as I smiled

"Stress reliever or just giving you a lot of stress.. aigooo. I can't survive in a surrounding like this" Niki walk to the bench and lay down

"Yah!!" Sunoo shouted and approach him, slapping him over and over "Help us! If we can finish some stuff like this sooner, we can go home" he nagged

We just laugh at their act and came back yo help

We wrap things up and all of us walk home being exhausted "Guyss... how about.." Jay started

"Let's eat at my house.. Rest assured every food there is delicious" Jay said as we all agreed and took a cab to his home

It's huge

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