Chapter 27

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Avy's POV

"Dae~ what do I do?? My hearts seems a bit strange" I hold on to my chest to feel my heartbeat and it was beating faster and faster

"Just act normal you fool" She told me as she dragged me down and just in time Heeseung and Sunghoon walked in

Our eyes met, not only us were looking at each other. Everyone kept there eyes on us

"Do you have something to say Avy?" Jake grinned as everyone was giggling about it

"A--ah?.. ohh~ m--me??.. uhmmm.. wh-- I mean.. Annyeong" I always keep stuttering and felt embarassed so I ran to our room, slamming the door

"She's flustered. Don't worry about her" Dae faked her smile

That was totally embarrassing

I drop myself on the bed and just tried to fall asleep but the problem is my memory. I am always thinking of that hug

Heeseung's POV

I thought she will slap me or something, or make me kneel but she has a pure heart. She ran to her room while all of us just look at each other

"Ohh... by the way.. What are you holding hyung?" Niki told me while pointing at the old glass ball in my hand

"I found it in the middle of the woods.. it's antique, it costs millions" I joke around as I pretended to scan the ball

"I need some rest.. please excuse me" I announced as I help myself upstairs to my room, it is the second largest room and a single bed, which makes me comfortable

I made a stand for it with books, it's quite lovely though. I thought about it again and why is this ball using Avy's voice and asking for help

"Why do you need my help?" I suddenly asked and wipe all the dust off the ball but it is not creating a smoke like the one before

"Heeseung hyung...." Jay entered "ooohhh~ is that ball of crystal important?" He hold on to it but then drop it after realizing that I hate people who touches my stuff

"Out" I demanded and he followed it immediately

"Heeseung~" it called, using her voice again. This time a bloody hand appeared in the ball. "Live a happy life" she said, it was my mom this time

I just can't believe what I'm seeing infront of me. I hot furious and throw it on the floor. It actually break into pieces which made all people gather in my room

"Yah! Heeseung! What's wrong with you" Sunghoon approached me and slowly I saw her face.

I sat on the bed "Heeseung~" she called and was about to approach me

"Get out! All of you!" I shouted as they all went out. Moments later someone entered the room "yahh~ are you not afraid? I said get ou--" I was shocked to see her infront of me, Avy

"I am scared but.. these glass on the floor is scarier than you are" she smiled while she lifted the cleaning materials and started to clean

I crossed my arms and just watch her clean "I thought it was a glass filled with water but it was actually a thick glass" she smiled at me but she got herself cut with it

"Yah~ Be careful" I told her and she just nods. I was practically looking at her but I thought that I was so inconvenient so I grab her hand

"It's okay... I always get a cut so I ---"

"You're a lady.. yet you always get yourself hurt" I look at her in the eyes while I was dressing her wound. It was just a little but deep

"It's okay... hmmm how do I say this. Isn't it that when you're feeling down or got hurt so bad, these things will never stop you from doing what you want to achieve in life... like even though I stumble over and over, I will rise up again. There's a quote--"

"Yeah~ I know.. Try and Try until you succeed" she smiled widely at me saying that I hit the spot

Jay entered with a maid and ask her yo clean it up while he grab Avy and drag her out of my sight

What's wrong with him?

I slowly followed them

"Your wound is deep" he commented checking her hand

"I know.. but the wound in my heart was wider and deeper than this... so it's okay" She replied while she was faking her smile

Jay pulled something from his pocket "do you know what this is called?" He asked while he was tearing it up "this is a butterfly band aid..." he smiled

"Ohh.. so what?" She asked being clueless

"Basing from my research" he pulled out an ordinary band aid "the difference between this (butterfly band aid) and this (ordinary band aid). Is this BBA is used for a small cut but deep wound and this OBA is used for just something" he became awkward infront of her eyes, but she was just laughing at him

"Yah~ I knew you have a cheesy line with that.. what made you back down?" She asked "and.. you became a genius. I am impressed" she laughed

"I think that line was not so good.. so I just pretended like an intelligent man" he raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms

"Ohh.. well done" she brushed his hair while smiling at him "You're not a fool anymore" she told him while she ran away because she was somewhat embarrassed to face him

"Where are you going!" He shouted but then stayed seated while he brushed his own hair and went crazy talking to himself

"Is that really necessary when you fall in love with someone? Aigooo~ I pity him.. sooner or later he will be thrown in a Mental Hospital" I commented and went back to my room

And saw a whole piece of glass ball on top of my bed

That's strange.. I thought I broke it

I ran downstairs and ask the maid about the shattered pieces of the glass. She told me that she already threw it with a blue plastic bag in the trash bin

Later on I just found the plastic bag she said but there was no shattered pieces of glass in it

I think I am going crazy

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