Chapter 6:

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Avy's POV

I am doomed.. As soon as I get myself home, I have two choices left. Either pack my things and get ready to leave or getting hit by my stepmom's belt

"Yah! Why can't you just mind your own business!" I shouted at Jay because of what he did, actually I must be thankful but I'll end up getting homeless because of it

"I helped you! Why would I watch you get hit" he replied

"You don't understand.. I always have been treated like this! I am used to it" I told him as I prevented my tears to fall from my eyes.

For years, I tried to fight back but I ended up getting bruises and sleeping outside, it was raining that time. So I'd rather act like a slave to her rather than losing my own house with these two evil people. They were keeping me for years for they are making sure that my father didn't give me anything after he died

"Why are you getting mad when I helped you" he said as he was getting furious about what I said

"Please! Mind your own business, next time" I told him as I went directly to our room. I hit my head on the table and covered my face, crying.

"You have a hard head right there" someone spoke behind my back with a cold tune, I knew it was him, Heeseung "Does it hurt?" He teased but I didn't mind him

Today was the day that my mother died, I didn't even get to visit her. I look at my bag and saw a box of chocolate bars.

Mom~ you like chocolates don't you?... I have a present to you later on

"Are you even listening to what I said?" Heeseung again talked behind my back. As I turned around he was crossing his hands and move his head sideways "look at that... you have a red mark here" he pushed my forehead with his finger

I quickly hold on to my forehead and turned around, I don't want to get involved with him. He then tapped my back "Stay safe" he said as he lead his way to the balcony

I was left alone here, I lay my head on my arm as I want to fall asleep quickly. After a while someone tapped my desk "Avy right?" His tone was quiet sweet and carying. I look at him and he offered bread to me.

"I can hear your stomach grumbling all the way to the canteen" he said as he pick my hand and placed the bread.

"Why are you doing this? We are not even close" I told him as I pushed the bread back to him

"Hi.. I am Park Sunghoon" he said as he made my hand grip on the bread "take it... You will have no energy left in that state" he smiled and sat beside me eating the same bread

"Thank you" I replied and eat the bread, It hits the spot in my stomach. I haven't eaten for days, I finished eating it but I felt like I want more. I sighed looking at him enjoying his snack.

Later on Sunoo came in offering me a bag if chips "Hi! Avy~ are you okay? I am quite full and can't eat this bag of chips... do you want to have some??"

"Actually I am fu--" my stomach suddenly grumbled and two of them laughed at my behaviour

"Take it" he gave me the chips, I opened it and the three of us actually ate it.

"How come all of you are being so nice to me lately?" I asked them and observed their gazes as both of them were like exchanging messages by just looking at each other

"We just want to be friends" both of them said in chorus and smiled

I smiled back at them. This is nice having someone to talk to makes my heart feel lighter and forgot about all the problems I have to face later on


Heeseung's POV

I waited for her in the room. I looked inside her bag and saw the box of chocolates I gave her yesterday. She didn't even open it yet.

She came inside bending her head and directly went to her seat. She's upset I can see it. Suddenly she bumped her head on her desk which made me hold on to my forehead

"You have a hard head right there" I told her while I crossed my hands expecting her to look back "Does it hurt?" I teased her but she didn't bother to turn around

I am getting pissed of waiting for her to respond to me

"Are you even listening to what I said?" I told her again. Later on, she turned around. I look directly at her eyes and it was all puffy, fresh from crying. What I did is to push my point finger on her forehead saying "look at that... you have a red mark here"

She quickly covered it and turned around not saying any word to me. I sighed for I guess she doesn't want to be bothered by anyone I then tapped her back, pasting a paper with capitalized letters written in it

"Stay safe" I told her as I lead my way to the cafeteria with my friends. I thought she might be hungry right now

"Sunghoon... Sunoo... I have a r--request" I spoke in the middle of their happiness. They quickly shut up and all of them were looking at me

I walk out of the cafeteria and they followed me here "What do you want hyung?" Sunghoon asked first

"There's a starving girl in our room.. can you offer her some food" I look at them both as they look at each other shocked of what I said

"Since when did you care about others?" Sunoo crossed his arms and I just glared at him

"Just do what I say okay? Act normal... don't ever mention me" I told them as I went back to the group

"Sunghoon and Sunoo said they will have something to do for a moment" I reasoned out as I take a sip at the strawberry juice

"Did you tell them to do something again?" Jay said and grinned

"Me??? Since when did I care to ask them to do something for me when I have hands and feet to do it" I raised my brow to him

Why do I care?? Ha! She's just someone who can be a good prospect

"Why do you like that girl so much?" I asked Jay as he shot his fiery eyes on me

"She's everything to me" he replied as he stood up walking away from us

AN: Thank you very much to EunheeLove_ for voting my story continuously..  I thank you for supporting me through this new journey 💛💛

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