The Study

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It was now the next morning and we as a house decide we were going to send a message to the school. Since I am now dressed in my new emerald green robes that match my eyes, I made sure my hair was done and that everything was perfect. Then as a house we all left together walked together in two line with the first years at the front and seventh years at the back walking solidly together as if we were one person.

We entered the great hall then took our seats together noting how everyone was silent and just staring at us in shock. We just ignored them and carried a light conversation between us all. Soon everyone was finished so I looked toward victor and caught his eyes I then slightly nodded my head to the door. Then as a house group we got up as one and stalked out of the great hall in unison.

Once back in the safety of our common room our masks cracked and some of us were giggling or laughing over everyones face. Victor then made his way over and we were having a conversation when I brought up the next challenge, he told me it has something to do with being under water for an hour and finding something that was taken. I told him okay Im going to go search about some things.

I made my way to my now personal library where I greeted Salazar and started making my way to think of what books I need. I cast a spell which brought all underwater books over to my desk and let me tell you there were exactly 34 thick books I had to read. I got myself situated in the chair and called dobby to bring some coffee and chocolate and a couple muggle energy drinks. I started to go through them but by the time I finish like 10 of them it was dinner time, so I said bye to Salazar and left to go to dinner.

I met my friends at the table when they were bombarding me with a bunch of question, I finally called them off and told them I was researching and not to worry. They eventually calmed down but as I sat pansy started filling my plate knowing exactly what I like. I thank her and start to eat while carrying conversation.

I then excused myself from spending time with them saying we will have a fun day tomorrow. They allowed me to leave once all of them gave me a quick hug. I then walked towards the girls bathroom where I had a very nice chat with myrtle. I finally got back and went back to reading. Its about 1 in the morning when I find something and sit up straight with a happy expression. I had just found an ancient spell that could help me in this task. Its a very old and requires a lot of magic but Ill be fine.

This spell is to make the caster become a mermaid/merman with enough magic I will be able to cast eat and get a tail along with the ability to breath in water. Then spell will where off once I reach land and I will also be given faster reflexes, unnatural speed, and some cool water manipulation power temporarily.

I decided that is the easiest way to win and all I must do is learn the enchantment. I call dobby to clean this mess up and if he can kindly put the books away. I then tiredly make my way back to the master bedroom take my clothes of leaving me in my boxers and sliding into the covers, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light mentally preparing for any nightmare and the challenge that is about to happen.

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