Blonde Kitten Home

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After having designed and sketched what the uniform should look like I decided to see which person or place I was getting it designed at. As I was about to write letters to a house elf popped in when I went to ask what's it's business here is for it interrupted by stating lord and lady Malfoy have gone to pick up their heir. I looked around shocked and noticed the sun going down, I dismissed the elf and started to pack everything up for now.

I made my way to the library and picked up a book about sending letters without an owl since I don't want poor Hedwig to carry so much. I made my way to the first lounge and sat down on a chair in front of the fireplace waiting for Draco to come back. I call and house elf down to bring me tea with cream and sugar. While waiting I go through my head and realised, I never told anyone I was ok, they all probably think I'm dead so I went up to go write a few letter at the same time the fireplace lit up.

Out came the Malfoys looking like they were some type of rulers. I have two seconds once Draco realises, I'm here and catch flying blond into my arms. H e must have really missed me since he started to cry and nuzzle into the hug its almost like he was a kitten in that moment. I walk to the couch and sit down with Draco comforting him while he starts to tell me off for leaving and not saying anything. After what seems like hours but was actually thirty minutes I carried a now sleeping blonde kitten to his bed and tuck him in since he seems exhausted.

I walk back downstairs to where the adults are and sit with them. They look over and ask where Draco is so I replied with sleeping in bed, they had a look of understanding displayed on their faces. I sat down and began talking about how things are going to be happening. Obviously I have my own group that will not listen to Tom, during raids we will separate our groups so that they are integrated with each other. We decided that I will set up a meeting with my friends within the next few days and we will discuss who will be in what positions and who will bare my mark.

Sorry for the short chapter I will fix this chapter in a few days since I have been getting ready for school.

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