Challenge Three Part 1

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Its dinner time and I walk into mine and Harry's shared room when I find harry still in dreamland. I walk over and gently shake him awake. I see him slowly falling asleep, so I start to gently whisper hey come on harry wake up now we need to go to dinner, especially since you missed dinner. He groans but wakes up and get dressed before we leave, he puts his pureblood mask on.

We make our way in unison.

HARRY'S POV: [Again]

I've been doing a routine ever since that break down. Wakeup, breakfast, classes, lunch, study, class, friends, dinner, training, sleep. I've been doing this for a few weeks now and my friends have started training with me in the chamber since magic can't be detected down there. We have been training and I have been studying as if I will be the next merlin tomorrow. However, all good things must come to and end as there has to be balance. Which I think is a load of crap. I will be performing the third challenge tomorrow.

I decided the day before I would stop all studying and training to just relax and clam myself before I face whatever I have to face. I decided to stay in the chamber all day. I slept in till 9:30 and then I called dobby to bring down some fruits and cereal. I decided to treat myself and ask for a muggle Oreo milkshake. I also decided to have a fun day and drink some of the bourbon kat gave me earlier. I was dancing around and made sure I didn't drink enough to have a hangover.

I went to bed after a very nice warm bath and a very nice dinner dobby hand made as he wanted me to have the best. I woke up early that morning and took the time to get dressed and spent nearly an hour working on my hair, so I know it wont go in my eyes if I have to run. I made sure everything was neat and tidy. I then made my way back upstairs where I spoke to myrtle. I made it to breakfast and sat next to victor and my friends.

Everyone was hyped for this battle. The rules were explained, and it was basically stating we had to run through the maze and grab the cup. If in danger to send a spark so we can be apparated back to the crowd. If one of the obstacles take us we will be brought straight to the crowd and be considered out. Dumbledore stated I would have a head start of 15 minuets {can't remember how long it was} since I was in first place.

It was time to start I heard the bang and left like there is no life tomorrow. I was twisting and turning trying to keep a pattern of left, straight, right, right, left. I think it was working but then I heard another bang which suggested the others have just now entered. I was running for a good 20 minutes before I saw fleur and sent a stupefy towards her. Another spell came wising past when I looked who shot it it was victor. Something was wrong his eyes were glassed over, I knew he wasn't in his own head, so I sent a disabling hex his way.

He crumbled so I shot two red lights up to signify two champions were down. I started running when I saw the cup. I started to jog to it but then the hedges started to crumble I nearly got grabbed till Diggory saved me. We both made it to the cup he told me to take it but for an act, I told him to take it, in the end, we both grabbed it. I looked around and noticed we weren't back at the crowds.

Just as I went to get up, I was lifted against a stone figure and held against my will. I heard someone whisper kill the spare and I saw a killing curse sent at Cedrick. I looked at where it came from and was shocked to see worm tail and the dark lord. Tom then commanded for the ritual to begin. Worm tail began talking dropped a bone of the father unwillingly giving. The piece of a servant with loyalty, he made his way over to me and cut my arm really deep and put it in a bowel. He then dropped it in the boiling pot and stated the blood of your enemy unwillingly given. The pot began to bubble and tipped over to find a very naked tom. Not ugly snake-like Voldemort but handsome slightly older Tom Riddle. Robe me he demanded, and worm tail did as told. 

There is going to be a part two don't worry.

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