Challenge one

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after preparing and training for the worst it was finally the day of the first challenge. I decided after casting a tempus and it saying it was seven that it was finally time I woke up. I went to my bathroom and decided to have a warm shower to calm my slight nerves and to style my hair for today. I decided to have breakfast in the great hall today so I walked all the way them and upon my entrance, Victor shouted out to me.

Turns out Victor just wanted me to have breakfast with him and the other Durmstrang boys. so I sat on Victor's right and decided to place a bit of fruit on my plate however before I was able to start eating Victor placed 2 pieces of toast and some eggs on my plate, Victor then looked in my face and said "eat now or you won't have any energy for the first task" it seemed he contemplated something as he said " You are far too skinny anyway" as an afterthought.

it was now the time of the first challenge, all of the four champions got led into the tent to wait for what is about to happen. Victor and I took the time to go over our plans and any precautions in case our plans don't go exactly as we want them to. we were stood over in the corner since we weren't friends with the other champions and we were waiting for bagman to show. Bagman came in not too long after we banished Skitar from coming near us and on the off chance she did a letter about a bug problem would go straight to the minister and she would be sued by both our family names.

Bagman lead us all to the middle of the tent and explained the rules of the first task. we all choose our dragons and of course, with Potter's luck, I got to go last and face the Hungarian Horn Tail. whilst waiting I watch Victor execute his plan almost perfectly but he lost a few points for smashing one of the real eggs so he only got a score of 35. Cedric and Fleur went and they got a pretty decent score with Cedric getting second so far and Fleur close behind with a one-point difference.

It was now my turn to face the dragon so I just put on a blank face and walked in whilst absently casting a few shield spells on my arm and I then cast a Serpentine spell creating 6 giant black king cobras. I then used my Parseltongue and ordered them " attack the dragon, keep her distracted but do not kill or poison her". with that then I walked towards the nest not paying any attention to the silence around me and just walked back to the entrance with the golden egg in my hand. just before I left I turned around and cancelled my spell.

Back in the tent, Victor congratulated me whilst everyone else looked to be in shock except for madam Pomfrey she immediately walked towards me and started to check me over to make sure I'm fine. I then walked back out to hear my score and believe it or not I almost got a perfect score but my bloody headmaster decided to give me an 8 as I used a dark bit of magic. after hearing my score me and Victor walked back to the Slytherin common room.

once there the whole of Slytherin and Durmstrang started to cheer me and Victor on, so much that they had decided we were to have a big celebration. it was during this party that I decided to go to snape quickly and let him know to have some pain potions ready for tomorrow morning or else Slytherin won't look as sophisticated as it usually does.

with that done I made my way back to my common room however moody decided now would be a great time to interrogate me. he pushes me into the wall and gets in my face asking " what the hell are you doing potter, what the bloody hell do you think you are doing, huh potter". I stared at him incredulously and stated "I used parseltongue since everyone has known about this skill since the second year which was when I opened the chamber. it was the chamber that allowed me to complete this task with injury." Moody looked too stunned to speak so I just walked away and went back to the party to celebrate this challenge today. most of the younger years went to bed around 11:30 pm but most of us older years stayed up and started going at some firewhiskey, most of us were able to handle the liquor except a few of the 4th and 5th-year students, especially a certain blonde. since I wasn't waisted I helped my drunk friends to bed and cleaned them up a bit. after that I went to my bedroom in the Slytherin rooms and went to bed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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