Ball Prep

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Its been a week since the task and nothing has really happened other then me doing a routine of eating, classes, talking to friends, dinner, studying, and sleeping. Today was like any other but Dumbledore had an announcement. He announced that their will be a ball held for fourth year and up and told us to start looking for our partners before the dance, with that said I turned to my friends.

They asked who I am asking, I replied with I need to find out if I can bring someone from outside of school first. We left for our classes once done eating we left for our classes. Its now the last class of the day being transfiguration with McGonagall. Where she announced she is pulling dance lessons later. I stayed back after class.

Mr. Potter what are you still doing here. Well professor I was wondering if I could bring an outside escort as we promised we would bring each other to any ball we are to attend, and she took me last time now its my turn. Why of course harry I dont see why you can just make sure you give her the floo or a portkey. Course thanks professor.

With that I ran into the common room grabbed a paper and quill from Draco and sat down. Everyone asked whats up, so I told them I can bring my date to the ball. So, I sat there writing a letter telling her everything in detail and whats happening and what to wear. I also told her what ill be wearing and what the plan is. I then spend time talking to my friends but an hour later Hedwig come with a letter. I open and see kat is coming. I then tell my friends about her and what she looks like.

They are happy for me and we all decided that it is time we head down for dinner as I have a surprise for the Slytherins when we get back. We all sit and eat and an hour later we are all heading back finally. So many girls asked to be my date I swear I turned down like 60 requests to be my dare. Once back I get everyone in the common room. With my friends around me.

Once everyone is here, I tell them I have a gift for someone. I tell Marcus to step forward and he crawls towards me and that was part of his punishment. I then tell him to stand up he does as told however he shakes a little. I cup his cheek with my hands so he looks up I then mov my hand to his neck and take of the collar and said you have earnt redemption and dont make any more mistakes or I will do much worse.

He looks scared at that but manages to get a thank you very much my lord before he walk towards his friends. I look shocked as do many other people when he called me lord. I decide ill deal with it later about it and decide to take my friends including victor [even though hes been there] down to the chamber of secrets.

They all look shocked by I show them the sitting room and the library along with the potions lab with had Draco drooling.

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