Chapter Thirty-Three

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I couldn't believe we were half way through our last week before summer break. Tae and I spent a lot of time studying recently. And Tae had even gotten used to Yoongi being here, As he would more often than not come here after his work.

He busied himself in his own work when Tae and I were lounging over the sofa and coffee table.

I had an exam paper to do tomorrow, for my French class. I wasn't overly worried, and that was definitely due to the fact because I learnt Korean more quickly than I would if I was only studying it and learning in class, because I spoke it more often that not English since I met Tae in my first Business class nearly three years ago. All of the men would speak Korean together and with me unless we were in the restaurant, because Jin didn't want it to seem rude of us.

I was six months pregnant, and it still was easy enough to hide with the right clothes and the way I sat in class, to hide my bump. But my stomach was definitely growing.

All three of my professors knew as I had told them. Because we wouldn't see them during the summer break, the next time we will see each other is September, when the baby was due within weeks of being back at college for the last year.

Every single one of them surprised me with their reaction. They were incredibly supportive and even my Korean class teacher, waved a hand and told me he wasn't worried about my work slipping because I was already months ahead of my other class mates, again thanks to Tae and Jimin. Then he told me when I wanted to take the time off, just make sure I emailed him the date for the next class I'll be coming back for once I'm ready.

My Business teacher offered for me to take a few weeks off, after the baby was born. She said she would email me the class presentation for each class, and give me a tailored quiz once I was back, to make sure I was caught up. She made sure to tell me that I had earned it myself being able to take a few weeks off, because I was now one of the best students in her class.

My French teacher was slightly shocked at first, and I saw him try and figure out in his head what he could offer me, even though I said nothing would change, apart I will be more tired some days of course.

He said that he give me a few weeks in advance work load each week, so I was always a few weeks ahead, so when the time came I could take the few weeks off, so I only had Business to worry about.

I honestly wondered if our Business teacher thought Tae and I was together, because he was always right next to me, and we were more often than not touching.

He would always sit close enough so our thighs were touching, and would absentmindedly play with my hair around my neck or back while she was teaching, and I knew it helped him focus on her more. He wasn't that far behind me in the top percentage in the class, it had really shot up the past year or so while I was so proud of him.

I started to yawn and Tae glanced over at me, looking up from his laptop.

I gave him a sleepy smile, "I get so much more sleepy in the evening now, it sucks"

"Growing a human is hard work, petal" Yoongi muttered out from the dining room table, giving me a smile as he didn't take his eyes away from the sheet of paper he was writing on.

Tae gave me a soft boxy grin, "you go to bed, I just want to finish these last few questions. You've gotta sleep"

I nodded, he was right. I had to look after myself now, and there isn't any harm in going to bed a few hours than I normally would.

I leant forward to kiss him on his temple before getting up. Yoongi offered his hand as he was still writing something as I got closer to him. I put my hand in his and he bought it up to his lips to brush my fingers against them as he wrote for a few more seconds before looking up at me, taking a deep breath like he was happy with what he had just been madly writing.

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