Chapter Thirty-Two

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We stood there, for what seemed like an eternity, staring at one another. I knew my breathing had gotten faster, and I had to lick my lips, my mouth was dry. I could hear the shower in the bathroom.

In moments like these, I knew he would try and push me, but not enough for me to crumble under him, as he knew I still had to be the first one to make the move in that sense.

But I did want to touch him. I wanted to run my hands over his chest, and up to his full lips.

I froze as he tipped his head down, and just briefly, he rubbed our noses together before kissing my cheek, and pulled away from how close we were together.

As I went into the shower, I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts. I didn't take very long, as I didn't wash my hair.

I wrapped the towel tightly around my chest, as I looked at myself in the steamed mirror. The knock on the door made me jump, and it was pushed open slightly.

"My boxers and trousers are in here buttons" Jimin said.

I saw them on the floor by the door, "go ahead"

He opened the door, and as he picked up his clothes, he looked over at me. I watched as his eyes took in my bare shoulders, and then my legs which were visible from mid thigh length.

I was very hot. And I knew it wasn't from just having a shower and being in this steamed bathroom.

I watched as Jimin pushed the door open even more, so I could see the bedroom behind it. He ran his tongue over his top lip, as he glanced his gaze over my lips.

Then he leant against the doorframe, the towel on his hip tugged down, showing his tight v line.

Holy fucking shit.

And in this moment, I hadn't ever felt the need to just go over to him and crash my lips against his, as much I did right now. It was like the past four and a half months hadn't happened at all. But it was baggage that was keeping from from going over to him, as I would have to step over all of them.

It was also Yoongi, I knew what I felt for him but I just hadn't gotten my mind around it yet. I also didn't want to admit it myself. Because it would made me feel like I would have no choice but to just let Jimin go.

And Yoongi is the Father of my child.

I surprised myself, how I managed to talk myself out of my desires. It was like Jimin sensed this, maybe I was showing it in my expression. But he sighed, and leant away from the doorframe.

"You have a lot more willpower than I do, buttons" he muttered.

I rose an eyebrow, "I think you underestimate yourself"

"No I don't. Because every single time I look at you, I want to just go over and kiss your perfect lips. And the only reason I don't, is because I want you to be ready. I'm not forcing my feelings onto you, when I know are still healing from what I've done" he said right back to me, not looking away from me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Was I over what happened? All the ache and heartbreak he had done. I know a few major things had happened, he had told me he loves me, and he certainly had moved past the stage of where he was being very careless. But then the baby happened. My thoughts then drifted to where I know I had to text him to remind him to get back on track, from the shock of the news telling him he wasn't the Father.

But he listened to me. And I was starting to see him smile and laugh a lot more. But I had so much going on right now, and I didn't want to throw away a relationship with the Father of my daughter.

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