Chapter Fifty-Six

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Over the next two weeks, we fell into a steady rhythm with Effie. And it was getting a lot easier to figure out the times I needed to study and focus on school work, Tae and Jimin were of course a great help with that. Yoongi was here most days, even if it was a short ten minute visit before he went to work, and other times were longer when he had to care for Effie.

And things, were actually ok with him. I didn't feel the awkward feeling with him anymore. Effie seemed like the stepping stone we needed, to know that we had to put her first in all matters.

Hobi was in town today, and Jin had invited us all around for a family dinner, he said he was going to close the restaurant for the night.

I was looking forward to it, so much.

Tae was here with me, picking us up as he had come straight from his apartment after getting back from work, since they had to fully close the restaurant first before he could go and change. Jimin stayed on to help Jin set up.

I made an effort this evening, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like myself. My stomach was near enough back to what it was before I was pregnant with Effie, although I had a few more stretch marks and the skin was a little softer, but I didn't care in the slightest. I'm sure if I wanted to tone up, JK would help me.

I had on ripped light denim jeans, with a white lace vest top that cut off just above the waist band of the jeans, giving a hint of skin. I had on a forest green cardigan, since it was cold outside.

Tae had gotten Effie changed for me, in a sweet pink dress and white tights, and she had on a adorable winter coat that kept all of her warm.

As I sprayed perfume, Tae came into the room and whistled at me.

"Well, that didn't take you long to bounce back did it" he teased.

I mimicked him, and gave him a playful wink as I checked myself out in the mirror before nodding at him, "lets go"

Effie was awake as we arrived, I noticed she would be awake for maybe two hours tops in the evenings now, before she would eventually fall asleep for the whole night, feeding around twice, sometimes three times if she was cluster feeding.

Joon jogged over to us, asking me if he could get her out of the stroller after giving me a quick hug, "go ahead"

"Hey, make sure you share the baby" Jin called out as he came into view.

I rolled my eyes as he kissed my forehead, and then cooed over Joon's shoulder at Effie. She was busy looking around at all the bright lights above her.

"Should I turn the lights down?" Jin asked, following her eye line.

"She's fine, honestly. Stop fussing, you are worse than Tae" I breathed out.

"Well that's rude" I heard Tae mumble, but gave me a big boxy smile.

The restaurant doors opened, and watched Hobi and Yoongi walk in. Hobi ran right over to Joon, and I smiled. Yoongi gave me a little smile as he kissed at my cheek.

"You ok petal?" He asked.

I nodded, "all good"

"You look beautiful, as always" he gave me a little smile, and then walked over to see his daughter.

Hobi then came over to me and pulled me in for a hug, "I hate that I only get to see you and Effie every few weeks or so. She's grown so much"

I smiled in his arms, "you get more photos than the others though, I send you them all of the time"

He gave me a grin, "very true"

Jimin came out from behind the bamboo wall, and gave everyone a big smile.

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