Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I was nervous.

The pit in my stomach grew as JK came over to walk with the three of us to Jin's Place. Effie was wrapped to my chest, and was actually wide awake, but being this close to me she was very chilled out, and was happily looking around since her neck was supported by the wrap.

Jimin had the diaper bag over his shoulder, and we were all silent as we walked over.

Yoongi was at the bar, having a scotch. He looked very zoned out, as I went over and put my hand on his shoulder.

He glanced to me quickly, his eyes softening as he reached over and cupped at Effie's head under my neck, "hello my baby"

I turned my torso so she could see him, and then he brushed his finger along her cheek, giving her a warm smile.

"She been alright today?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.

I nodded, "as always. Very chilled out this one is"

Yoongi breathed out a little smile.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He glanced down at his thighs, giving a big sigh, "I think so. It's nice knowing you are all around me, so if I slip up, my brothers will help me"

I nodded and reached over, patting at his shoulder, "you've got this, Yoongi"

He reached up with his hand and took mine that was on his shoulder, and held onto it for a few seconds, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

As we parted, I went and sat in my booth, and Tae sat next to me, as Jimin and JK were opposite us.

Jin and Joon stayed near the bar, a few seats away from Yoongi.

It was like we knew the moment Yoongi's Father had come through the restaurant doors, because the atmosphere changed. I saw JK and Jimin's eyes quickly darken, as they could see behind us.

I put my hand over Effie's head, more to comfort myself than anything.

Yoongi didn't even turn his head as we watched the man take a seat on the bar stools one away from him.

Things were quiet for about a minute, and Jin looked over at us all on the booth. JK was faced outwards, leaning over on this thighs, just cautiously watching Yoongi and his Father.

Jimin looked over at me, and raised his eyebrows at me in a little way to comfort me, saying everything was ok. I nodded my head slowly.

Effie started fussing slightly, making little noises. I shushed her and patted her bum.

It was still quiet, when she started progressing into cries.

"I'm going to need to get her out, she needs a breather from the wrap" I said quietly.

Tae nodded in front of me, and turned his back so his broad shoulders covered me and Effie, from Yoongi and his Father in front of us.

Jimin leant over and put up the menu, making it stand on the table, giving more space to cover us.

"So is it a boy or girl?" We heard speaking, at last.

My body tensed as I settled Effie in my arms, and she looked above us at the ceiling, a lot happier now she was out of the wrap and able to move her arms around slowly, as she was still figuring out that she had actual limbs.

"None of your business" Yoongi replied, just loud enough for us to hear over the business of the restaurant. Luckily the bar area wasn't overly busy.

"Just trying to learn about my grandchild, son" his Father replied.

Jimin shook his head opposite me, looking ahead of us.

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