Working Hard 2

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Don't worry I'm here I haven't forgotten about this book it's gonna end and the Reason I haven't posted the next chapter yet it's because school is in my ass like I'm getting homework left,right and centre so please pray for me my friend cause I'm currently inside the closet of my own house writing this message because if I get caught with my phone it's not gonna be taken away it's just going to be taking away from me for the rest of the night till morning and I forgot a bunch of missing assignments on Google classroom so R.I.P  and I can't post the chapter that I prewrited cause cuz I don't got time I got to sleep now and I'll try to see if I can post the next chapter tomorrow officially tomorrow. Please understand I'm working hard outside of wattpad.
Goodbye my fluffbutts..
And Stay tuned kiyo-crew....

Love ~kai_kiyo~

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