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3 years later


"(Y/n)! Wait for me damnit!" Saeko was still putting on her left black heal.

"How do I look?"

"You already know the answer to that, Gorgeous. Hot. Stunning. Flawless." She laughed. "Same goes for you (y/n),"

"I've been knew that no need to remind me," I sashayed on the sidewalk as I flicked my hair back. She burst out laughing.

"(Y/n) I cant with you,"

"Cmon Saeko it wasn't even funny," you scoffed. "You just don't get my humor, talk to the hand!" I looked at the hand in front of my face and high fived it. "Is that what you want," I let out a small laugh. "Sure (Y/n).. LOOK WE'RE HERE!!" She tugged on my uniform and pointed at the school.

Karasuno High School.

We walked inside.

The smell of a new environment filling me nose, the nervousness flowing inside of me.

High School.

High school sucks ass already.

"How do you feel (Y/n), we're fucking high schoolers woah!"

Saeko sounded so excited to be here on the other hand I wasn't all I wanted to do is go back home and sleep.

"I feel normal." Saeko frowned, "Seriously? At least be eager to be here,"

"It's high school Saeko. Not that special."

  "Party pooper," Saeko remarked sticking her tongue at me. "To be honest I just want to go home and eat. Actually I just want to go to your house tonight and have a sleepover," I slouched.

    "Totally (y/n)! We haven't had one in two weeks.. It feels like foreverrrr," Saeko said extending the R in forever.

     The bell rang.

"Ah the damn bell. Anyways, see you at lunch Saeko.. I love you good luck.."

"Love you too! I'll miss youu," I smiled at her as I looked in the direction my class was.


Lunch had came. Almost everyone had stared at me. "Does that girl ever smile.." I heard people murmur. Sorry. It's my resting bitch face you whores.

I sat down waiting for Saeko.

Oh my gosh where is that girl.

I stood up and went to go roam around and go find her.

"Saeko!" I grinned as I watched her sip a juice from the vending machine. She held up a peace sign. "Here! I bought you a drink," she handed me the milk box. "Thanks..." I didn't really like milk but I didn't want Saeko to feel bad.

"School is almost over. I believe we have our last class together,"

"Wait really that's great OMG YAY!! A class with (y/n)!" she started to do a happy dance. "Saeko... You're so embarrassing," I covered my face so people wouldn't stare.

"You suck (y/n)," she remarked. I let out a tiny laugh.

    The bell rung. "Let's walk to class together! Let's sit by each other!" I nodded. We walked into the classroom. "Ah hello! What are your names?" the petite lady in glasses asked.

"She's (Y/n) Nishinoya and I'm Saeko Tanaka!"

"(Y/n)...and....Saeko. Alright you may sit where you'd like," the teacher informed us. "Look over there in the back (y/n) chan~!"

I followed her to the back and sat down.

"Hey, when do you think class is starting. It's already been five minutes... Anyways I'll listen to music, tell me when the teach starts teaching," "Mhm! Okay I will," I plugged in my headphones and started playing the music.

Currently Playing
About a Girl -Nirvana

A felt light tapping on my shoulder.


I looked over at Saeko madly blushing. "Saeko are you okay?" She nodded but then pointed to where the teacher was talking to a boy.

"Uh huh

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"Uh huh.. what about that,"

"I think I have fallen in love."

"Saeko you're crazy what the hell. How are you going to fall in love the moment you see someone,"

"(Y/n) you don't understand it's love at first sight,"

"That shit you're saying isn't real.... whatever," I put my headphones back on. I saw her roll her eyes. I felt bad.. I don't know why I got so annoyed.

    "I'll be right back.. I'm going to the restroom." I walked out of the classroom heading to the restroom trying to think. I looked in the bathroom mirror capturing the little things going around my mind. Is Saeko mad. I hope I didn't come off as rude.

A few minutes had passed I started my way back to the classroom. My fingers stroking the walls and windows. I walked in and saw Saeko talking to the boy.

"I'm back.."

"Oh this is my best friend (Y/n)!" Saeko looked at me and grinned. She didn't seem angry with me.

"Ah nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Akiteru," I ignored him and kept my eyes on Saeko. "(Y/n) is it okay if Akiteru-San can hang with us,"

To be honest wanted to say no.

"Sure I suppose."


I looked over at Akiteru and studied him.

He looks pathetic.

The voice inside my head spoke
"Stop being rude (y/n)"

No. Fuck you.

Yay this chapter didn't take me as long as I originally planned it to be. Sorry if it's a bit rushed </3

I'll probably release more chapters tomorrow or idk it depends 👊🏽🙄.
Anyways I hope you guys have a good day, night, afternoon or whateverz.


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Also don't forget to wish Yams a happy birthday <33

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