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Thomas and Darwin accompanied Steven at home to watch over him for the day. Bringing snacks and some Dungeons and Dragons to play with, they bonded not because to make him feel better, but also because they haven't hung out in a while and they missed their quirky antics and activities.

Meanwhile, the boys, namely Oliver, Patrick, and Jefferson; they accompanied me to The Savory Johnson. Me, having no experience of working in a fine dining establishment and only the knowledge to do so would be tricky, that alone gave me to the point of questioning, Can I really pull this off? Luckily, I have intacked confidence to interact with people, well, only minimal. Would it be helpful to strike the goal I'm aiming?


At the back kitchen door, we entered, only to come face-to-face with the boss of the restaurant Mr. Wilkins that was clearly an abrupt occasion. The three startled, yet I only reacted lightly, widening my eyes.

"Steven!" named he, flabbergasted by my demeanor. He scanned be top-to-bottom as I observed him intently, confusingly odd by the state of his inspection. "How are you feeling? You seem... colorful and, rosier than usual."

That's unorthodoxly specific.

I went on full blank mode, looking directly at him with a straightly nervous countenance. My mouth opening, yet I couldn't properly produce words. I fumbled, thinking of what I should reason out. Out of all reasons I could think of, I finally figured out the right word to say.

"Issues," staring at him with uncertainty, I answered. "Issues." 

Mr. Wilkins gave me a confused look, the boys synched along with him. It was a weird response that I feel I wanted yeet myself out of the window.

"Issues with... ?" The boss with gray hair raised a brow at me.

"Issues with, uh... changing hue and physical body, but I'm feeling slightly natural." Sweat drooled down my cheek as the tension in me magnified by the gauche that surrounded us.

"Ah, that's good to hear," he said. I sighed, unnoticeable by silence. "Hopefully you'll slowly recover from... whatever happened to you recently." Mr. Wilkins smiled after, turning to face the three later with a stern face. "Where are the other two?"

They looked at each other, not knowing what to respond. Worry reflected in their eyes as their hands trembled. I had to think of something.

"They went to Missouri," I spoke. Ed, Edd n Eddy looked at me in confusion. "Darwin accompanied Thomas to visit his grandmother. They went to the drugstore for painkillers and prescribed medicines, and to Kathleen's Flowers to get some Daffodils." I increased speed on the last sentence, making it awkward. "Also they went to McDonald's at Metcalf Avenue to buy food for them since they hadn't eaten breakfast before getting on the road."

Everybody went silent.

I had to come up a story to save them, so I used my rapid thinking abilities. Though I argued they should've prepared what they're going to say beforehand, it was an unforeseen turn of event, even I didn't see it coming.

"I see," said he. "Glad that you're telling the truth, Steven, or else these three—well, you might wanna keep an eye on your paycheck, that includes the two as well." He fixed his suit as he made his way to the top floor, taking the stairs near the condiments' section.

Oliver, Patrick, and Jefferson exhaled in relief.

"Thanks a lot, man," spoke Jefferson. "We could've been doomed with our salary if it wasn't for your help."

Oliver asked, "In return, what do you request?"

I looked at them with a serious dark expression, kinda' like a pathetic meme. "I want you to be my slaves. You will serve me, do what I request, and be a part of my colony for the whole millenia or my name isn't Pink Steven Cutie-pie DeMayo Diamond, the most undisputable, respected, and demanding leader of the Diamond Authority."

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