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It was the night that my life changed, and where I get to love myself in the most literal, but not really, type of way.

The fifteenth of August, a special day I get to celebrate every year, the day of my birth. Now, my eighteenth birthday, celebrated at the Long Night Pub with my guy friends, I mean co-workers at the restaurant where I now work named The Savoury Johnson here at Overland Park. Loud club music surrounded the humid room as the crowd grooved along with the beat. Spotlights dazzled the entire place and bartenders and servers roamed around serving what every customer ordered. Thomas, Patrick, Oliver, and I were laughing at some jokes about their hysterical moments with their girlfriends. I, myself, got caught up at the moment talking about my funny moments with Connie.

Jefferson got back with a bucket of cold root beer and a bowl of nachos. "Here ya' go, one bucket of root beer and more nachos for the birthday man." He laid the bucket and bowl in front of us and our hands stretched out to get each one of the chilled liquor. The four used a bottle opener while I opened the bottle with my bare hand. I got used to doing it as if I'm as strong as RoboCop. That, however, caused my thumb to have slight cuts and red marks. Why don't I use a bottle opener instead?

Oliver's mesmerized still by my way of opening a bottle. "Dude, you gotta' teach me those skills of yours."

"Man, I told you I have powers." I took a sip at my root beer.

Thomas smacked his head. "Beat it, dumbass. Just use a freaking bottle opener."

"Alright! Jesus, you don't have to do that," said Oliver, fixing his cap.

Patrick raised his bottle as he proposed a toast. We lifted ours. "Okay, to Steven... dude, you are the best human being existed in this world and we can't thank you enough for being such a companion. Just remember that we'll be here when you need us. We love you, man, and happy eighteenth birthday."

"Thanks," I replied.

Our bottles clashed at one another and chugged our root beer altogether. Darwin suddenly appeared, somewhat looking woozy because of excessive drinking. His clothes untidy as a ragged sack, and hair messier like it's been blown by a leaf blower.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jefferson scanned his entire body with furrowed brows.

"I just got laid by miss girly over there at the booth." He pointed at the brunette in red dress drinking vodka at the booth. She waved at Darwin in a flirtatious way with a smile that turned him on. "She yanked my arm... a-and she was like 'Wanna join me?' and I'm like..." Darwin nodded, showing his response to the brunette.

"So how'd it go?" I asked.

Darwin shrugged lifelessly, like nothing happened at all. "It was okay. Although she was screaming like," Darwin started acting how she did. I gestured him to stop.

"Okay, that's enough! We get it," I cried. Darwin sat beside Oliver and grabbed a bottle of root beer.

An hour passed, and all we did was tell our stories about life and our jobs, you know... the usual. As time goes on, the number of people in the club slowly decreased. As for us, we didn't mind what's going on around us and continued to do our own business. We ordered as much beer and nachos as we wanted while indulging in some fun and laughter. We felt full, but we continued anyway. We then played Truth or Dare so that wouldn't get bored. I got my turn for the second time, and so as Darwin, Oliver and Patrick.

"Jefferson, you're up," Patrick pointed at him, giving him the will to choose. He lurked his eyes at us, picking the right person he wanted to dare or confess their biggest secrets.

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