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We made a short pause, making an awkward stare at each other with our eyes both expanded. My mouth opened to which not a single word has come out because I was processing his sudden appearance.

"You're Steven, right, Connie's boyfriend?" He asked to break the weird silence barrier between us.

"Yeah, it's me," I said. I returned, "Charlie?"

He nodded.

"What brings you here?"

He inserted his hands in his pockets. "I'm here for a favor."

"What kind?"

He spread both of his hands as a gesture as he made a soft smile. "Help me make a present for Connie."

"What?" I tilted my head and furrowed my brow.

"I want to give her a gift as a 'thank you' for taking care of my grandma when she was in the hospital, and she's been invited to our house for dinner, that's why."

I ran my fingers on my curly puffy black hair and slightly fixed my shirt. "Why don't you think of something that she likes?"

"I don't know her taste when it comes to presents, nor have I the idea of anything she likes. I may be her friend but I only know a portion of her interests." He pleaded, "Would you please help me? This is the only thing I can return her kindness."

Well, I might give him a little advice. After all, Connie did something nice to him and his grandma. I sighed and smiled at him.

We went inside to the living room, sitting across both sofas. Pink headed to the kitchen to make some orange juice and so that he wouldn't bother us having a nice conversation.

I started, "Well, she likes spacey, adventurous things and calming music, those stuff. When it comes to food, we always eat strawberry jam on toast because it's our favorite. To presents, she doesn't really expect much. Whatever you give to her, she'll accept it. Even if it's just a small gift, she will be delighted."

I looked at him, holding a small notepad and a pen as he took down all of the things I said. I thought he was only going to listen.

"Are you taking notes?"

He stopped and faced me with an odd look. He made a short glance at the side and then back to me. "Is it a bad thing?"

I shook my head no. "I'm just curious."

"There's nothing to be curious of," he replied along with his eyes narrowed a little. He faced down on his notepad and continued to take down notes.

I, daresay, he's such a savage dude. I was peeved by it, making my fists feel tense.

"Okay." I pouted.

He stopped writing and looked at the side, seemingly dealing with something. "Would it be nice if I give her some peonies and tulips?"

I shrugged. "I don't see why not. After all, she likes flowers."

He took down notes again. Immediately after doing so, he finally stood up. "Okay, that will be all, I must get going." He put his notepad inside of his pocket along with his pen. He leaned slightly toward me to whisper. "I need to buy some French bread and bagels. They say that here in Overland Park, the All-around Bakery has the tastiest breads in Kansas—ranked number one beating Ottawa's version."

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