Chapter 1 The Radio

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The air is cool and crisp, As Alastor hums to the tune of his favorite song in the wee hours of the morn. Even for eternal damnation hell had its moments of beauty. Crows cawed in the distance flying through the cool morning air. The radio demon turned on his old 1920's styled radio. And had begun dancing as if he were in a grand ball room back in Louisiana. Even for a blood thirsty cannibalistic serial killer such as himself, Alastor had a softer side to his dark demeanor. Truth be told he loved to dance when not busy at the hotel he would often be in his room dancing to jazz. There was a soft but gentle knock at the door tap tap tap.......
" Hey ya' Al? Listen I wanted to uh...... Ask ya' somethin'?" The very familiar Italian Spider demon's voice comes through the door.
"What I do to be of assistance Angel my dear?" The radio demon though a killer was still a gentleman. replying in a soft tone as he opens the door.
Though The radio demon didn't particularly like being interrupted from his alone time. He greeted his unsuspecting guest holding the door for the spider demon pornstar. Angel Dust glides into the room and waits patiently for Alastor. The radio plays in the background making the very obvious awkwardness of the situation less tense.......
"So........ Ummmmm.... Al...... Babe...." The very nervous spider's voice begins to quiver as he speaks.
"Dammit Angel my dear just spit it out." Alastor pleads with just a smidge of annoyance in his tone.
Clearing his throat the Spider rolls his eyes. " Alright alright Al fine sheeh...... I was comin to ask ya if you would accept my apology for actin like a total dick earlier. Look mista Radio demon baby I'm A porn star but I ain't partially great at small talk ya' dig? I am sorry for bein' A total ass when we first met. Can ya' Eva forgive this mobsta fool?"
" Well frankly Angel, I did find it rather off putting when you asked to suck my dick but yes I am willing to forgive you just this once. Mark my words if you ever such as mention such a slur in my presence again I will personally chop off your dick and shove it down your throat are we clear?" The Radio Demon's eyes flash to dials and his voice becomes dark and distorted.
Beads of sweat begin to pour down the spider's face. He backs Away slowly from the overlord. He gulps and holds his hands over the goods before giving a nervous reply.
" Sssssure thing pal." Angel leaves the room still quivering in his wake.
Alastor closes the door behind him and begins to dance once more after being rudely interrupted. The radio demon did not particularly care for this Spider slut or so he thought at the time. Frankly he somewhat was repulsed even by the sight of him. He didn't like how Angel basically made a fool of himself. The radio demon was new to the hotel after all. He still wanted the entertainment As he had stated previously just hours prior. No way in hell would he let a Spider pornstar get in the way of his plans.
The "sun" has finally risen giving Pentagram city a somewhat softer appearance. The fresh scent of rotting flesh fills Alastor's nostrils as he takes to a deep breath.
" Simply refreshing," The radio demon mutters to himself with a smile on his face.
He was never caught without a smile of course most demons backed away out of sheer sight of him. Even if he were to be angered he hardly if ever frowned. So far he had been quite entertained by hell's princess herself. He found it rather amusing that she thought this stupid hotel being any success. The radio overload laughed at even the sheer thought of such a stupid plan. You could never redeem a sinner. As he looked out the open window of his room alastor's mind filled with plotting and thoughts of murder.

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