os 2.1

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This world is full of people who are ambitious, who are determined to win and be succesful but there are instances when people let go of their inhibitions and go down to any level to make tables turn in their favour and forget that somehow their actions can sometimes hurt the emotions of the other person. This was the situation of the house of the big boss 13 right now.

This year many big celebrities had participated in big boss, but out of everybody, sidhrath and shehnaz stood out  completely. They were immensely loved by the audience and were growing extremely popular as the days were passing. Maybe that was the reason they were time and again targetted by the people inside the house. Every contestant picked fights with sidharth in order to get footage and if this was not enough some snoops constantly tried to break the bond that sidharth and shehnaz shared. All they wanted was both of them to saperate so that they become weak and it becomes easy for the housemates to throw out atleast one of them out side the house in order to win.

Despite all their plottings and plannings sidharth stood like a rock against them. Because of being in the industry for such a long time he was well aware of their tactics and level they could stoop down to, to turn the tables in their court. He was mentally strong and prepared to face anything cheap in the name of game once entering the house, hence he was unaffected and calm until things reached a limit. But our innocemt shehnaz not so much. She had a big, kind and generous heart. Although she have had faced life in the worst and a far more bitter way still she always believed that not everyone was wrong only the situation made them like that.

Sidharth understood this innocence of shehnaz in the first week itself by seeing her behaviour with every housemate and her so called connection with paras. He fell for this innocence of her in the starting days only becuase he could relate with her this kind of behaviour by the previous version of himself. By her talks and stories about her childhood he knew how much she had suffered in her childhood and the contorversy with himanshi had added to the pain she had to go through in her growing years. Hence, he had a protective as well as a possesive instinct for shehnaz. He wanted to protect her innocent heart not only in this game but in life. Infact he was succesful in doing that till this point of time in the house. But from the past few days things have been going downhill only.

Sidharth could see shehnaz loosing her mind, her patience most imporantly her soul because of the constant target of the housmates. From the moment she had became the  captain of the house, people had started creating problems in everything. They denied to do their duties, slept delibrately to irritate her and then made fun of her if she reprimanded them for it. They provoked her and tried to trigger her delibrately so that she looses her mind and goes out of the house. Sidharth even landed himself in a huge fight with asim when he took her side. Salman khan himself had came to the house, cleaned the dishes, fridge and the bathroom to teach the housemates a lesson but the effect lasted only for a few days and people were back to behave obnoxiously. If this was not enough paras and mahira had a new agenda. Whenever shehnaz called out to mahira when she was wrong, they called her jealous. According to them, shehnaz was jealous of mahira and hence wanted to degrade her. Well you can say they wanted to clear out their image and dragged shehnaz into their love angle delibrately so that it seems that she was in "love" with paras. paras' motive was to highlight mahira and he would do anything for that. He knew shehnaz was immensely  popular outside compared to mahira as he had gone outside to do a surgery. He had explained the same thing to mahira and she obviously agreed being the puppet she was. All of this was affecting shehnaz a lot. She was used to with the  taunts but this was personal and it was going overboard now. They cannot just blame anything stupid on her. She found nothing so prominent or extraordinary in mahira to be jealous of her. She knew how paras' mind worked and hence knew his game very well and the reason for this tag. But everyone has a limit and she had have enough of this cheap game of paras.

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