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It was as if the whole house was in a weird but tough competetion to win by breaking her strong and hard will and courage to survive in the house. The same will and courage she had managed to sustain till date in the house. Probably 3 months now.

Shehnaaz was quitely lying on her side of the bed, the bed which they both shared. She was waiting for sidharth to come back and hug and cuddle her till she falls asleep. It was an everyday ritual for them. Cuddling at night and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears was their secret thing after the lights of the house were shut down and they had the liability to hide themselves under the single blanket they shared.

But right now she was missing all of these and after having enough of patience and keep waiting she stepped out of the bed in search of sidharth and found him standing near  the dining table with paras and mahira. He was immersed in an 'important' converstaion apparently as anyone would see but only she could see behind his facade. It was his another stupid tactic to avoid her by keeping himself busy till she sleeps so that he dont have to talk to her. He was hell bent to do this since the captaincy task happened this morning.

It all started after she not only supported but also helped asim yo become the captain because she had the oppertunity to do that. Asim! The same asim who once was like his small brother but now was his arch rival in the game. Obviously this didnot set well with sidharth because shehnaz was the only genuine friend he could rely on, whether it was emotionally, personally or even in the game. So naturally sidharth expected shehnaz to avoid asim and people who were against him in the house. But somewhere sidharth also knew that just as him shehnaz was also in the house to play a game and this was her own game strategy to maybe  form an alaince for the game ahead. It was not a secret to anyone that sidharth was an over thinker. And all these thoughts created a huge confusion in his mind and his dislike for this move of shehnaz made him to come to a conclusion to ignore talking to shehnaz till absoultely needed and also till he cleared the confusing thoughts in his head.

If all of this was enough pasras, mahira and shefali zariwala left no stone untuurned to not directly but by sugar coating their words and pointing out all 'flaws' of shehnaz to turn sidharth completely against her and taking full advantage of the small distance between sidnaz right now and strech this distance as far as possible for their own benifit. Obviously everyone wanted sidharth and shehnaz apart so that their own game became stronger.

Hence they were at this situation right now in the middle of the night. She walked up to him and hugged him from back to pester him to come on the bed and sleep. She very well knew that he was always the first one to hit bed when the lights were switched off but the way he was standing awake right now near the dining table, she felt all the way more gulity because this time he was genuinely hurt and she could very well sense with the way he was holding himself to not give into her touch . Hence she slowly whispered a sweet apology from his back but in return was rudely shoved away from him. It was as if he didnot wanted her close to himself at the moment. Still she tried once again and muttered slowly that she could not sleep without him so he should come inside the bedroom with her but again he arrogantly replied that he will come inside when he will want to and she can go back and sleep. Even after her new attempts his answer was same but the final nail in the coffin was when he again shoved her away because he wanted to have fun with his friends right now.

In her attempt to pester sidharth, shehnaz herself got hurt by his behaviour. She desperately tried to shove away the pinch in her heart because of his words and then by seeing the cunnuing smirk in the faces of his so called friends as if they had won a war. She knew sidharth also realised what he did and she may have  gotten by his words and actions but chose to ignore it. He also noticed the smirk on the faces of the three idiots who thought thag they have finally managed to win sidharth's trust and this was the end of the bond sidnaz shared. Sidharth ignored it and asked shehnaz to go back inside the bedroom area. He cleary saw the hurt in her eyes but didnot knew how to react when he himself was so upset from her hence he himself walked towards the smoking area to smoke away the confusion, hurt and anger he felt at the moment.

To be continued....

Hello everybody.. As i said this is one shot book on my favourite couple or bond or whatever sidnaz share. Here is the first shot of this story.. Please leave your inputs or any kind of suggestions of a situation inside or outside the big boss house thaf  you would like to read.. in the comment section below.

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