Not a Chapter (I Know Sorry Sorry)

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(A/n) Alright so first of all, sorry, sorry! I know, I know it's not a chapter (still working on it)! But I wanted to ask you guys some questions...So...the final part is turning out to be a bit longer than I originally thought it would be. So do you guys want me to break it up into shorter chapters? Or do you want me to just upload a giant final chapter? For reference, I have the chapter draft at somewhere around 1000 words and I still have a lot to go (might be a little past half way idk). I'm leaning a bit more towards just releasing a first part of the finale and then working on the second part as a different chapter (just because I've been away for a century and want to finally give you guys some content). Alright thanks so much guys for reading my story and thanks to the two people who actually read the author's notes. You guys are really the best. And I know I've been away for years and years but I do really, really enjoy all the comments you guys leave. All the comments and comment threads, all the 'added to your stories', all the votes on parts, it all truly makes my day. So thank you guys.

TLDR: Y'all want a first part of the finale now, or a giant fucking finale a lot later? I would rather release a first part now just to relieve some stress for me and you guys but it's ultimately completely up to you guys of course!

Alright I'm trying to type really quietly because Voice #32 is sleeping right now and you know how he gets when I upload these. So see ya guys la OH MY GOD IS THAT AN M32 ROTARY GRENADE LAUNCHER WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN GET THA QWEERRTGHJKL;L;ILUH'OHI;UFYVFY/.,'OI=87HUGIYFUTVBHK.JLDNKS;F';.,/L;JI/L;IGUTI6R543LIL79;/.6EDTU,XK

Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm not clever enough to come up with a good title)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora