Birthday--what? Oh...that's the next chapter

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(A/n) YAAAAAYY!! This story just hit over 500 reads!! I can't believe it! When it first hit 400, I thought for sure that was it, we are!!! Thank you guys sooooo fucking much!! I love you guys! Thank you guys for reading my shit of a story! <3   

  The next day (the day before Lena's b-day)

     "(Y/n)!! Get up, love!" you heard. You slowly woke up to Lena's adorable face peering down at you. You smiled groggily and sat up. "Hey, Lena" you said. "Hiya love!!" she cheerfully replied back.  You smiled and swung your legs out of bed. You slowly stood up and walked over to you and Lena's mini kitchen. "So, almost birthday-girl, what would thy like for breakfast?" you said with a bow and a smirk. She giggled and winked at you. You smiled and said, "Lena, it's waaaaay to early in the morning for that. I literally just got up! Maybe later." at this Lena shrugged and said, "Wot about some waffles and fruit then love?" "Sure!" you replied and started to get to work. 

     Tiiiiiime skiiiip because I don't think anybody wants to read about (y/n) cooking waffles.

     "Mmmmm... these are sooo good!" Lena said as she bit into her fourth waffle. "Yeah. Thanks, my grandma taught me to cook...she was killed in the Omnic Crisis though." you said a little sadly. "Awww. It's okay, love! You got me now, right?" Lena said, trying to comfort you. You smiled at her and you both began to talk and laugh about random things until you were both done eating. "So, Lena...I'm really sorry to leave you like this but I have to go to the gym. We can meet back here at saaay...lunch time?" Lena looked a little sad about this but nodded and smiled. "Yeah, love. That sounds fine, I think I can go meet up with the girls." you nodded and you grabbed a duffel bag and packed it with your guns, a towel, and a water bottle. Both you and Lena then walked out of your guys's room. You and Lena kissed and parted ways. You walked to the gym thinking about what you would get Lena. You entered the gym and headed over to the fake building. You pulled out your scout rifle and set it to full-auto mode. You had made several adjustments to your personal guns and weapons, your scout rifle had its normal mode (sniper, high damage), full-auto mode, and even a 'heal mode' (you were able to get your hands on some of Ana's heal/damage darts). The scout rifle which you had named 'Buzzkill' also had a custom scope, a green laser, a vertical grip and a custom hand grip. Your glock had a custom scope, handgrip, and was equipped with hollow point rounds and sleep darts. Your scout rifle was equipped with armor-piercing rounds. You had spray-painted your guns and your sword black with (f/c) highlights here and there. You walked up to the control panel and set it to "(Y/N)'S SUPER EASY MODE (WINK)". You pressed INITIATE and put on the VR ear plugs. The ear plugs then emitted a hologram in front of your eyes, exactly like a VR headset. You walked into the fake building and realized how huge it was. There were three levels with a basement and an attic. There was also a garden out back. The words RESCUE THE HOSTAGE appeared in front of your eyes and you smirked.





     GO!!! When the word GO appeared in front of you, you pulled out your glock and put a silencer on it. The house was set to look like an old manor and there were two red carpeted wooden stairs leading up right in front of you with a main hallway leading to the dining room in between them. There were double doors (that were closed) at the end of the main hallway, to your left, an archway leading into a common room. With three huge fireplaces and an arrangement of plushy couches and chairs with tables. The walls were lined with bookshelves and holo-TV's (I don't know what to call them!!). You could hear the shuffle of enemies everywhere. To your right, there was a study and an office. You crept your way into the study and found a guard just to the left of the door. You quickly put your hand over his mouth and snapped his neck. Not being a real person, and only an image projected by the VR, the guard evaporated into light blue smoke. You moved on. You quickly shot two guards with your silenced pistol after continuing halfway through the study. You looked at your (non-dominant) wrist to see a hologram hovering above it. You swiped through the different pages until you found a blueprint of the manor. You quickly located the weak points and you continued off to the nearest one. You made it to the end of the study, killing the guards quickly and quietly. You opened the double doors to find a living room. You crept into the living room, not realizing the two glowing eyes watching you from the shadow of the open door. You quickly placed the C-4 in the corner of the room where the weak point was and just as you were done setting it up, you heard the alarm go off. BRRRRRRT!!BRRRRRRT!!! "Shit." you whispered, you looked up to see two glowing red eyes watching you from the shadows. The figure stepped out of the shadows to assassin. (A/n) think the Talon assassin from Retribution She flipped her blades several times and without warning sped towards you.

     You quickly dove to the left, out of her way. You pulled off your silencer and began firing. Her armor was thick but not thick enough. After three bullets, you had managed to shoot her left blade off. You kept firing but she dodged all of them or blocking them with the shattered remain of her left blade. But, you were a better shot then most (probably all actually) and you hit her twice. Once in the gut and once right in the eye. Yet, she didn't say anything and charged you again when you were forced to reload. Your lightning fast reactions saved you just in time for you to drop your glock and the clip and pull out your sword. The assassin, already running full-steam ahead, couldn't stop in time and you drove your sword through her chest. You let her limp body fall to the floor and you sheathed your now bloody sword.  You chuckled as the assassin's body faded into blue smoke and you walked out of the room back into the study to be greeted with a warm welcome. About twelve enemy soldier stood around the door, red laser dots all trained at your head. "Um...hi, fellas." you said. You pulled your scout rifle from your back and combat rolled to the right, firing. Two soldiers fell with bullets in their brains. You dove behind a table and turned it over, providing decent cover. You peeked your eyes up over cover to scan the area. You saw where all of the soldiers were and you quickly memorized the layout. You ducked back behind your cover and yelled, "IT'S (favorite time of the day)!!!!", mocking Mccree. You then switched your scout rifle from full-auto to regular sniper mode and still ducking under cover, raised your gun up over the table. Only your gun and part of your arm were visible so the enemies couldn't really hit you. You then fired ten bullets. Ten bullets for ten enemy soldiers. You heard a collective THUMP and you peeked your head over the table. All ten enemy soldiers were dead on the floor. You smirked and moved on.

     You left the study and unsheathed your sword. You ran up the banister, shooting the troops on the stairs with your glock. You then proceeded to kick down every single door on the second level, trying to find the hostage. Finally, you found the hostage in room 217. You kicked down the door and lunged at one of the soldiers. You quickly chopped his head clean off his shoulders, practically melting his body armor. You then ducked and jumped, avoiding all of the bullets and cut off another soldier at the torso. You then threw your sword at the last one, the force of the throw relieving his shoulders of his head. The sword vibrated as it was plunged into the wall behind the headless soldier, his head skewered onto the sword. You quickly ran over to the hostage breaking the ropes holding her with your bare hands. You took off her gag and threw her over your shoulder. You retrieved your sword and looked at your (non-dominant) wrist. It read, GET TO THE DROPSHIP IN THE GARDEN You shrugged and jumped out the window. As you were falling two stories, you said, "Explosions are overrated!" with that, you clicked the detonator. The manor behind you imploded (not exploded) and you said, "Implosions are so much cooler!" the hostage just screamed. You landed in the soft green grass, barely buckling your knees. You then ran at top speed all the way to the chopper. (A/n) GET TO THE CHOPAAAHH!!! Sorry...I couldn't resist You picked up the hostage and placed her in the chopper, then you jumped in yourself and the words appeared MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE COMPLETE You smiled and pulled off the VR ear plugs. 

     (A/n), I kinda want to do a vote on what you guys want to get Lena for her birthday. Also, I will be adding my own character (O/C) later on, if you guys want your own characters, just ask!! And, please, please, vote/comment on what you want to get Lena for her birthday.

(you can come up with whatever you want in the comments, but here are some things you can vote on)

1) a bunch of condoms (JK! maybe...)

2) a dress...?

3) jewlrey

4) a ring...if you know what I mean...

5) Ummmm...a computer?

I dunno. I'm not very good at this brainstorming thing. Anyway, thank you guys for five freaking hundred reads and thanks for reading!!  <3


Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm not clever enough to come up with a good title)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora