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(a/n) HOLY CRAP! This story has 14 reads!! Thank you guys SO, SO, SO MUCH!!


Okay, okay, okay!

     4 month Time Skip sry guys!

(A/n)Lena and you have gotten a lot closer and are best friends but neither of you have expressed their true feelings yet...You have also made good friends with Lucio, Genji, Winston, Reinhardt, and Mccree.

     You woke up to the sound of your extremely annoying alarm clock. You went to put on snooze because today was Sunday and Sundays were free days (unless there was a mission). You hit the snooze button and were about to go back to sleep when you heard a knock on your door. You groaned and went to go answer it. The door smoothly slid to the side to reveal Genji standing there. "Greetings (y/n)! I am organizing a group to go to the arcade just outside the watchpoint! Wanna come?" "Hmmmmm... Let me think about that..." you joked. "Hell, yes dude! Why not?" "Hah. Let's grab some bekfest (a/n) commonly known as breakfast but this is the cool way to say it! and go!" "Sounds like a plan. Well, a Genji plan anyway." "Hah!" 

      You both ran down to the food court and sat down at the bar with Mccree. "Howdy, partner!" Mccree cheerfully said. "Greetings!" "Sup!" You and Genji both respectively replied. "Wanna drink before we go?" Mccree asked. "I am afraid I cannot ever since I have had a robotic body..." Genji replied a little mournfully. "Uh, no thanks." you replied not wanting to make Genji feel bad. "Hm. Suit yourself" Mccree replied as he downed a shot. Meanwhile, you ordered some scrambled eggs and bacon from the omnic bar-tender. You and your buddies talked until your food came. You quickly ate up and left to go to the arcade. (a/n) wait a the hell does Genji eat?! As you, Mccree, and Genji were heading to the front door, Lucio, and joined you. You guys walked to the arcade, laughing and talking about how Hana would destroy everyone. When you guys got to the arcade, you couldn't help but gasp a little. The arcade had literally everything! There were really, really, really old games like Pac-man and Galaga, and there were kinda old games like Halo 5 and Destiny. But then there were the newest games like Destiny 5 and Under-blind (A/n) hahahahah!! Get it? Because it's like Over-watch and Under-blind? I'm sorry, I'll see myself out... "Wow! This place is amazing!" you exclaimed to the rest of the group. "Yeah, I know right!" Hana replied. "C'mon, let's go!" You guys then proceeded to enter the arcade. It was more like the older ones, the floor was completely covered in a red-maroon rug and the walls were a beige color. All of the games were lined up right next to each other so you could talk to (or annoy/mess up) the person next to you, which you found awesome. Mccree naturally went over to the old Jurassic Park game where you sat in the little booth and had the machine gun to mow down the dinosaurs. Genji went over to the claw machines stating, "I was hoping for a challenge." Hana kinda just wandered around (destroying every game she went to) and you and Lucio went to go play Destiny 5 together.  After about 12 matches in the Crucible, you stated that you had to go to the bathroom. Lucio waved you off with a smile and you started to walk away, leaving your (Xbox) controller to Hana. (a/n) Sorry not sorry all you Ps players! Xbox is love! Xbox is life!! The bathrooms (both male and female) were located on the left side of a narrow hallway with a back door leading outside at the end of the hall. (By the way, the bathrooms are single person bathrooms, not stalls) As you walked towards the male bathroom, you felt arms wrap around your neck and pull you into the wall. You were knocked to the tile floor and as you rolled onto your belly to get up, you heard the shuffle of feet. You looked behind you to see...Hana?! "Hey (y/n)..." "Uh, Hana... what are you-" you were cut off by Hana pressing her lips against yours. After the kiss, you had a look of complete and utter surprise on your face. "Um...(y/n), I think I-I...I think I love you." Your eyes grew wider and you replied, "Uh, Hana, I thought you were with Lucio and I-" you were again cut off by Hana. "But, I like you more (y/n)! I-I love y-you." "Uh, Hana...I hate to break it to you buuut...(a/n) Hell no! Not that but(t)!! I kinda like somebody else..." "I-I...I understand. Can we still b-be friends th-then?" Hana replied with tears in her eyes. You scoffed. "Of course Hana! I just don't want to break what you and Lucio have right now! And, don't tell him I told you this but, I think he wants to ask you something..." at this, Hana's expression went from sadness to surprise and happieness. "Thank you then, (y/n)!...Thank you." You smirked, "Of course." However, both of you didn't notice somebody watching you from the shadows.

(A/n) MUAHHAHAHAHAHAH!! You thought Tracer was confessing didn't ya?! Well, jokes on you!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Evil strikes once again!

(voice #32) Ahhhhhh fu-

Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm not clever enough to come up with a good title)Where stories live. Discover now