Attack On Titan -ahem- I mean...Talon

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     "What did you say?" Winston asked. "I said, I know where the Talon base is." you calmly said. " couldn't tell us earlier?!" Winston said, starting to get angry. "No, I just figured it out. You see, the only person who could track me to Overwatch, is my sister. Sombra. And you know the uh...Sombra group. Well, it's not a coincidence, my sister is Sombra. So, I can repay her a favor and track her back to her Talon base of operations. But, that also means sis is going to be able to get through my firewalls in a matter of days. Even minutes so, we have to go now. Have all of the agents in the field rendezvous at these coordinates." you then sent Winston the coordinates. "Uh, right now?" Winston asked nervously. "Right now. Everybody needs to gear up." you said with a voice of steel.

             Time skiiip to when everybody (Mccree, Lucio, Winston, Lena, Soldier, and you) are on the drop ship

     " Wot's going on?" Lena asked as she sneaked toward you. "Lena, I don't really know how to explain it but, we're off to go kick names and take ass. (sorry, cough, cough-Infinity War refrence- cough) We're taking the fight to the Talon's home base, Lena. I promise I'll explain everything to you later, kay?" you said hurriedly. You guys were going to arrive any minute now at the Talon base. Winston was fitting a newly fixed backpack onto Lucio and Soldier and Mccree were talking. You had on your Ghost armor and were loaded from head to toe. Currently, you had the front part of your helmet up to talk to Lena. "Agents of Overwatch, we have arrived at Talon's base of operations." Athena's voice came over the loudspeaker. "Eyes up!" 76 yelled. The dropship door opened and everybody surged out. You looked up to see more dorpships pouring out Overwatch agents and troops. You and Lena stuck together, you two made a great team. You cut through the fence with your sword and Lena blinked over it and the barbed wire. Talon guards raised the alarm but nobody cared. You and Lena were to go straight for your computer while everybody distracted and held off the rest of Talon. You opened up a map of the base you had stolen off of a dead Talon soldier. "Alright, let's go." you whispered to Lena as you two entered the dark hallways of enemy territory.

     Both of you passed countless rooms with the lights flickering. Until, you reached your destination, the 'hack' room it was called. You entered the room with Lena watching your back. The room was a good size, maybe the size of a basketball court and at the other end of the room, was a huge computer screen. There were smaller computer screens connected to the larger one and there was a customized gaming chair in front of the monitors. The computer screens were black except for the notorious Sombra hack symbol shown in ones and zeroes. The whole room had equipment everywhere for who knows what. The room was a dark grey with purple highlights and giant rectangular lights hanging from the ceiling. The chair slowly turned around to reveal your sister. Sombra. Except, she had purple all over her clothing and technology implanted all over her body. "Olivia? What happened to you?" you asked your 'sister'. (a/n) btw, Olivia is Sombra's real name so... "Hola, (y/n). I got technology implanted into me! Now, I can hack just like this." and Olivia raised her hand and a translucent purple keypad came up. "What the hell?!" you exclaimed. "Heh. Yeah, pretty cool, ay? I don't need a computer to hack anymore. All I need is myself." Olivia said in response. "No, that's really cool. But, why Talon?! They're the bad guys! They're terrorists, Olivia!" you said. Olivia then translocated right behind you to whisper, "I's all just a facade." in your ear. You nodded and whispered back, "Then you need to 'lose' to me and Tracer so I can get my computer back." Olivia nodded and said, "The cameras will turn back on in five seconds." She then, translocated back to her monitors. She smirked and waggled a finger in your direction, challenging you. You smirked back and you and Lena rushed her. She 'tried' to turn invisible but you tackled her to the ground and put your custom glock to her forehead. "Now, Sombra, where is my computer?!" you said in a menacing voice, pressing your glock harder into her. "R-right on the table, in the briefcase." Olivia stuttered out. You nodded and said, "Lena, look after her." you then walked over to the table and picked up the briefcase. You actavated your com-link and said, "I have the package." You and Lena then started to jog toward the exit until, he came crashing through the roof. Doomfist with his stolen gauntlet, crashed through the sky light and onto the floor. Blocking the exit. "You are not leaving yet." he said calmly. "Sombra, get out of here and alert all troops on my position." Sombra quickly nodded and turned invisible. "Now, you two, who wants to die first?"

     "'s show time a-holes." you opened fire with your glock and strafed left while Lena did the same but blinked right. The pulse ammo and bullets deflected harmlessly off of Doomfist's gauntlet. "Hah! Bullets?! Really?!" Doomfist taunted. You glared and pulled out your P-90. "Ah, finally. A real challenge." Doomfist then grabbed Tracer who was still blinking around him and threw her against the wall. "You. Are going. To. Pay for. THAT." you said, anger filling you. You rushed him yelling and he rocket punched toward you. You were opening fire and he was taking damage. You side-stepped his rocket punch and stuck a pulse bomb onto his back while he flew past you. "There ya go!!" you said, immitating Lena. "Wh-" BOOM!! Then pulse bomb went off leaving a nasty bruise on Doomfist's left shoulder. "That all ya got, big boi?!" you yelled at him. He growled and spat out a bloody tooth. He rushed you and you tried to side step him again but he was too fast. He took your P-90 and snapped it in half like a tooth-pick. "No more bullets for you, 'big boi'." Doomfist said. You grimaced and unsheathed your sword. "You kidding me?! I'm a fucking walking armory!! Now, c'mon and fist me baby!!" you said taunting him. He glared at you and you both rushed toward each other. He landed a solid punch to your gut but you were able to stab him in his left shoulder. Where his explosion bruise was. "YAAAUUGHH!!" Doomfist yelled out in pain when you stabbed him. You pushed your sword deeper and said, "That was for Lena." he looked up and upper-cutted you right in the jaw. You were off of the ground from the hit for a good two seconds until you came crashing back to Earth. You tried to get up but Doomfist put his foot on your neck. Pushing down hard. He still had your sword in his shoulder and  he slowly pulled it out with a grunt. He threw the bloody sword to the ground just out of your reach. "Ehh...What the hell are you made of?" you asked trying to breath. "Hm...concrete, titanium, and human blood. Would you like to donate some of your blood to the great Doomfist? Not a bad way to die." Doomfist answered leaning in close. "No...Akande, let him go. We need him." Doomfist looked behind to see Reaper and Widowmaker standing there with a dozen Talon soldiers behind him. "Let him go, Akande." Reaper said again. Doomfist sighed angrily and released you from his death grip. You gasped for air, trying to stay conscious. "Alright, get him to the prison cell." Reaper said. "Wh-how are you here? You're locked up in our prison cells." you said weakly to Reaper. "And you think we didn't break him and Widowmaker out while all of you were attacking us? We have been playing you from the start." a new voice said. Moira, who you had only heard rumors about stepped out of the shadows. "You are in for such a treat, little boy." you couldn't hold on any longer. You found yourself slipping from consciousness. You blacked out.

(A/n) Whew! That chapter took a bit! And your readers are in for SUCH a treat... XD  EHEHEHEHE!!

Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm not clever enough to come up with a good title)Where stories live. Discover now