Really sorry u guys!!

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     Hey guys (or gals)! I'm really sorry for not updating at all lately. Yes, I know. I'm ALIVE!!! I've been on a trip in a foreign country for a really long time and never had the time to write to all of you! So, I'm really sorry about that guys. :/     

     Anyway, 3.1 K views?!! This is amazing!! My mouth literally hit the floor when I  saw that number! Thank you guys so much!! Now, I would really like to talk to you guys about some stuff. So, I was wondering if you guys lemon...? If you don't know what a lemon is, I'm sure the comment section is willing to give you a very graphic description. ;D Also, if you guys wanted, maybe we could do a Q and A thing where I choose a question from you guys and answer it at the end of a chapter or something. I dunno, just so we can get to know each other. But in like, not a creepy way. Uh...yeah ok that was creepy but the point is, is if you guys have any ideas please share them with me! And yeah I'm not dead. Really sorry you guys but I'm back now!!!

Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm not clever enough to come up with a good title)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant