Birthday (srsly this time)

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(A/n) Ok so, this part of the chapter takes place the day before Lena's birthday. I know, it's confusing, even I'm a little confused!! Also, this chapter's gonna be fucking long so...sorry. Like, it's gonna be longer than the Talon ones, I just really like to over-explain things, buckle up boys!! Also, this chapter is really bad. It was like 5 am when I wrote it okay?

     After you had done the VR stuff, you moved onto other regular workout stuff. About halfway through you lifting weights, your phone's timer rang. "Shit. I forgot." you said under your breath. You told Lena you and her would meet back at your guys's room at around HIIIIIIGH NOON. However, you and Winston had made plans for Winston to distract Lena at 12:00 so you could run out and buy Lena some birthday presents in addition to a personally upgraded car. You carefully set down the weights and jogged over to the armory where you had left your duffel bag of gear. You took out your (f/c) water bottle filled with (f/d) and took a sip. You set your bottle back into the duffel bag and drew out your towel. You wiped your forehead with it and set it back into the bag. You quickly checked through the bag to check all of your stuff was there. You made a mental list of everything. Scout rifle, check. Glock, check. Sword, check. Water bottle and towel, check. With that, you zipped up the duffel bag and walked out the gym door, high-fiving Genji as you and him passed through the (no, not iris) doorway. 

     You walked briskly down the hallway, avoiding the main halls, thus eliminating the slim chance of you bumping into Lena. You made it back to your room without any trouble and you carefully and quickly hacked the door panel. This gave you access to the cameras in your guys's room (no, there aren't any cameras in the bathroom and bedroom). Aaaaaand...good. Lena wasn't there. You scanned your iris signature in the door and entered. You carefully set your duffel bag down and started to creep back to the door. But, on second thought, you walked back to your bag and pulled out your glock. Just in case. You checked it was loaded and the safe was on, which it was. You crept back out of the room and pulled something out of your pocket. It was an experimental translocator. Your sister, Olivia (more commonly known as Sombra), had given it to you while you were at the Talon base. It was different from the regular one because instead of simply teleporting, it granted the user a brief period of invisibility for a quick getaway. It also cloaked itself while inactive and waiting for the user to teleport. Why you were using this extremely powerful sabotage and infiltration piece of tech for buying your girlfriend a present? Weeeeeeell...

     You walked briskly through the empty halls until you came to your destination: not the exit. The bathroom! Why? Well, you pushed open the door and was met with a sterile bathroom. Nothing too fancy. Plain white walls with flourecent lights hanging from above, with three sinks in the right corner, stalls in the far right corner and urnals in the far left corner. You entered one of the stalls and placed the translocator on the closed toilet seat. The translocator cloaked itself as you pressed a button on the side of it. You smirked and locked the stall door behind you. Then, you Shimada style climbed the side of the stall and landed on the other side. With the stall still locked. You then silently proceeded out the door. You then power walked all the way to the nearest exit of the base. You exited the base and looked left and right, looking for the way to the boardwalk where all of the shops and resturaunts were and stuff. You spotted the place and turned to walk over there.  The boardwalk had the beach and sea of Gibraltor on the right and shops and stuff on the left. You wandered around, looking at various shops and items until you came to a jewelry shop. 

     You entered the shop to be met with a man in a black suit and tie with a white silk shirt underneath. You smiled at him and he said, "Is there anything specific you are looking for, sir?" You responded with, "No thank you, I think I'll just look around." The man nodded and you walked over to the nearest glass case. This one had emerald necklaces, bracelets, watches, and rings. At the sight of rings, that song: "if you like it then you should'a put a ring on it" got stuck in your head. You groaned because you knew that song would be in your head for the rest of the day. You decided to try and ignore it and keep looking at the jewelry. You looked at the glass case next to the one you were looking at and saw the same exact jewelry but with different stones (instead of emerald, ruby). Ok, so this placed organized everything by stones. You then walked around the store trying to find any amber jewelry because Lena's favorite color was orange. You finally came to a halt at the right glass case. You looked down into it to see the same exact jewelry as the rest of the store but amber. So much for variety. You peered down and found a necklace that looked almost as amazing as Lena did. You smiled to yourself and pressed the button on top of the glass case. The button signaled for a store worker to come over. An omnic in a white suit and tie with a black silk undershirt walked over and said, "So, what would you like to purchase today, sir?" you smiled at him and responded, "I would like to buy that amber necklace please." you pointed at the necklace. The omnic said, "Wow! A real looker, ay? That's one of our best here. Nice choice." the omnic took out the necklace from the case and placed it very carefully in a box. Then, he said, "Would you like it wrapped?" you nodded and he reached under the glass case to retrieve some wrapping paper. He then carefully wrapped it and said, "That'll be 20,000 U.S. dollars, please." you were not detered by the price, you reached into your pocket and drew out your wallet. From that, you grabbed your credit card. The omnic held out his hand and his hand changed into a credit card swiper...thing (a/n) I don't know what to call it??!! You swiped your credit card and he nodded in satisfaction. He handed you the necklace and you put your wallet and credit card away. "A pleasure doing business with you, sir." you smiled and nodded, with that you walked out of the store. Well, you bought the gift felt you should do something else too...I mean Winston was going to set up the CED's but...You quickly jogged over to a dress store. There, you picked out a nice orange silk dress. You payed for it and walked out of the store. There. Done. You walked into a dark alleyway, no one could see you. You finally reached into your pocket and drew out a purple and black detonator. You clicked the button and --ZZZRRRAAAAPPP--

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