Startin' To Look A Lot Like Christmas

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I sat in my room checking and rechecking all of my bags, making sure I didn't forget anything. Unlike Harry, I liked to make sure that I had all of my shit together before I got to my destination. He was sitting at the edge of my bed watching me intently as I unzipped my third suitcase for maybe the fifth time.

"Oh my god, Nadia," he groaned, falling backwards on to the bed. "How many suitcases do you even need?" 

"Five," I mumbled back and I started counting the number of socks and underwear that I had packed. Everything else was accounted for except for those two. It was like every time I opened it another pair would disappear. It was absolutely ridiculous. "But, luckily for you, I decided to travel light this time."

He groaned again and looked down at his watch. "We need to be at the airport in two hours. If you don't put a little pep in your step, we won't make it in time."

I turned around to give him a dirty look but then, instead, I saw something lacy dangling out of his coat pocket. "Harry," I said sternly, placing my hands gently on my hips. I was about to go into mom mode because I knew exactly what it was. "What's in your pocket?"

He cussed under his breath before shoving his hands in his pocket, clearly trying to be discreet. "What are you even talking about? Oh my god, did you get enough sleep last night?" I hated when he did this. Tryna make me seem like I'm crazy. Just because sometimes if I don't get enough sleep I get delusional doesn't mean shit.

"Harry, I am so serious. What is in your pocket?" He sighed heavily and took his hands out of his pockets. Out fell my missing socks and underwear. I stared at with what could only be a mixture of confusion and horror. "Why...just why?"

He laughed loudly and gave me a half smile. "Because it's fun to watch you get aggravated over a pair of socks?"

"I hate you. So much. Now go put those in the car before we're late." I pointed to my suitcases, no longer even capable of trying to figure what I'm missing. For all I know, Harry's hidden everything in my house and I really don't have time to go on a scavenger hunt for a bra. 

"No, you don't," he said brightly as he walked over and kissed me on the cheek. "You love me. Remember?" He continued walking and picked up my suitcases, throwing one over his shoulder. 

I scrunched up my nose and shooed him out of the room. That, lovelies, is why the guy should say I love you first. Okay? Okay. It had only been three days and he'd already used the excuse of me loving him to win so many arguments that it was ridiculous. And then if I'd say something like 'Ugh, I'm regretting this so much', he'd just smile at me and shake his head like he knew what I was thinking. The fucking bitch nugget needed to stay the fuck out my mind. It was creepy.

I ran over to the window to check to see if he had, in fact, gone to the car before I rolled my last suitcase out of the closet. I had packed it the night before while the curly bitch was in the shower because he was just so fucking nosy that I couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't look at what I was packing. And, before you say anything, no, no it was not full of lingerie. It was just where I was hiding everyone's Christmas gifts. It was a bit heavier than all of the other ones, but, then again, I had to make sure that I impressed everyone. I refused to be known as the cheap girlfriend. 

I dragged the suitcase down the stairs before shuffling out the door and down the driveway where Harry was holding his hands up in the air. What a fucking drama queen. Or drama king... Either or works.

"Seriously, Nadia? Another bag?!" He yelled exhaustedly. But he was smiling so it was all good.

 I flicked him off and climbed into the passenger side of the car and honked the horn a good ten times. "Come on, Curly Bitch! We're gonna miss our flight! I want to meet your mum! Come on! Come one!" 

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