One Word, Four Letters

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"Adi Bear! Wakey wakey!" Harry lightly tickled my shoulder and I groaned, rolling away from him in the bed and burrowing myself further under the blankets. This bitch was gonna realize one day that I am not a fucking morning person and that he should really just stop trying to make me one. "Nadia, babe, you've got to get up." I stuck my hand out from under the blanket to show him my lovely middle finger before hiding back in the blankets.

I heard him grumble something about desperate times and desperate measures before shuffling out of the room. There was more shuffling and then the sound of a bag crinkling. A paper bag. Like the fast food kind. Then the smell of bacon, cinnamon rolls, and, my drug of choice, hot chocolate with not one but two scoops of mint chocolate chips ice cream. I threw the covers back to find Harry dangling both the cup and bag over my head, grinning down at me. 

"Harriet. Give it to me." He started laughing hysterically and I made a face. What a fucking pervert. "Harry. I am so fucking serious right now. If you don't give me my food right now, I will leave you and Elana in a room alone with nothing but alcohol and a flatiron."

He hesitated momentarily before running out of the room at full speed. If he spilled my hot chocolate I would kill him. There would no longer be a choice. "You have to catch me first!" He yelled as he ran out of the hotel room.

I groaned heavily before running after him (in nothing but a pair of his boxers and a thin cami, I might add). He looked over his shoulder and from his facial expression I could tell that he was surprised that I was able to keep up with him. Shitbitch clearly underestimated my love for food. Love conquers all right? Well, hopefully my love for food would conquer over the heart attack that physical activity was more than likely going to give me.

"Harry! Stop being a fucking shitbitch!" We were probably disturbing so many people right now. We were yelling loudly at each other and randomly laughing when the other tripped. And, plus, all the running was making ridiculously loud thuds. I hoped that the security guards didn't think I was some crazed stalker fan chasing him.

"Make me!" He shouted back, turning a little so that I could see the giant grin on his face. He was fucking enjoying this.

I mustered up enough energy to jump forward a bit, hoping that it might possibly boost my chance of catching up with him and finally getting my beloved food. Of course, no plan that I ever has works out the way I thought it would. I ended up tripping over absolutely nothing. The tripping turned into me tumbling over a random maid's cart that just suddenly appeared and then. of course just for good measure, I ended up stubbing my toe on a potted plant before my body finally just gave up and I fell to the ground, completely out of breath and bruised like a mofo.

"Nadia? Are you okay?" Harry's worried voice made me open my eyes and I realized I'd probably been lying there for a good five minutes thinking that I was dead. I nodded my head limply and he frowned down at me. "I'm sorry." Aww, he was so cute. Thinking that my clumsiness was his fault. It's all good though. Gonna milk it for all its worth.

I lightly touched my forehead and winced, like I'd hit it hard and now probably had a concussion and was going to die. As soon as I winced, Harry winced and I almost rethought my new plan. Almost. I tried standing up and forced myself to stumble a bit, hitting the wall. He winced again. As I started to walk again he stopped me, his expression clearly pained.

"I can carry you, babe," he said softly, trying to give me an apologetic smile.

I plastered on my best 'Oh my god, I'm in so much pain but I'm trying to hide it' smiles and shook my head. "No, it's fine. I'm fine. Just a little bump." Insert another stumble here and another wince. 

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