Food Fights and Battle Cries

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There was a loud banging noise and I woke up quickly, rolling over and falling on the ground face first. I stayed like that for a moment to assess my situation. I was in my living room which meant that I'd probably fallen asleep watching American Horror Story again. The banging continued and I huffed heavily and crawled to the door, not bothering to actually stand up.

I opened the door, still sitting on the ground by the way, and looked up only to find El standing there, a coffee cup from The Big Apple in hand and her arms filled with a bunch of junk. She shuffled in, quickly dumping everything on the couch and turned to look at me with her hands on her hips.

"Is there something you forgot to tell me last night?" She said sternly with a raised eyebrows. I stared at her blankly and shrugged, not understanding why the hell she was here or what the hell she was talking about. "Because I think you did." She took out her phone and scrolled for a little bit before handing it to me. "Maybe this will ring a bell."

I gasped and groaned as I stared at her phone, last night's events flooding my mind. Of course, someone would've taken a picture of it. And, of course, someone would've posted it on tumblr. Of course, of course. It was only a kiss. Right?

"And it's not like either of you can deny it. At least not to me." She was right about me not being able to deny it to her. That was most definitely the outfit I wore last night and my guitar case on the ground. I was trapped.

"Why can't he deny it?" I half-whispered, still not quite believing what was clearly true. 

She sighed and took her phone back, scrolling some more before turning it back to me. On the screen it was Harry's twitter page, or so the name in big bold letters alerted me. She had clicked on his most recent tweet sent six hours ago.

Tonight was fun... .xx

It was just that one simple little tweet that could be about anything and anyone but we both knew it wasn't. Just that simple little insignificant tweet that sent a million fangirls questioning what actually happened last night and who was Harry's mystery girl?

 I quickly struggled to changed the subject. "Shouldn't you be at work?" I asked with a sweet smile, hoping she'd be distracted. 

She nodded her head knowingly and rolled her eyes. "You know that you can't just get away from this right?" I shrugged my shoulders and sighed before shoving the coffee cup in my hand. "But, if you must know, I was at work packing up a few last minutes things and all of a sudden the bells above the door ring. I was so ready to go on one of my bitch rants because I haven't done it in a while. But, no, when I looked up  it wasn't some creepy old business man tracking in mud. It was Harry fucking Styles drenched head to toe." 

I was probably drooling at the image that popped into my head. "So you decided to bring me coffee?" I asked, finally taking the cup from her.

She rolled her eyes and snorted, plopping down on to the couch. "Hell no," she laughed. "You know I fucking hate your guts. Loverboy got it for you." She motioned towards the cup.

You're so cute that I could just eat you up. ;) Just kidding, maybe, but what about dinner at 8? Me and the lads will pick you up. xx

What the hell was going on with these little secret messages on coffee cups? I mean, sure, I started it. But that was only because I was hoping he wouldn't recognize me or remember me in the future, that I'd just blend in with all the other encounters with crazy psycho-fans that he's dealt with. But, then again, I'd always be the most memorable because I almost killed him with my purse. That's just not one of those things you forget. Not to mention the fact that after I knocked him out with my purse, I dragged his unconscious body to my car, brought him to my house, and then proceeded to diligently watch over him. I was a certified creep. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire thing was just a set up so that the cops could arrest me.

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