'Cause These Lights Get Bright

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I awoke to the sound of hushed voices talking over me and I groaned, squinting my eyes shut tighter. It was absolutely freezing and I was laying on something hard, wet, and cold. Never a good combination. I snuggled closer to the arm that was wrapped around me and sighed.

Wait. Why was there an arm around me?

My eyes shot open and I looked around frantically. I was outside in some garden which explained the coldness and the ground. In front of me were four sets of legs that led up to the very confused faces of Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. Looking behind me to confirm, I checked Harry off of my mental head count. I had to make sure, just in case. I've woken up with a random homeless man wrapped around me and I don't like to repeat the incident.

"How'd you find us?" I croaked out, resting my head back on Harry's arm.

"It lives!" Lou called out dramatically, making Niall and Zayn laugh. I flicked him off and kicked him in his shin.

Liam sighed heavily and squatted in front of me, showing me his phone. "Some lovely fans have been circulating this picture all night." 

I grimaced and looked at the screen. "So they took pictures of us sleeping? But no one tried to help us get out?" Their already confused expressions got even worse. "What? You think we slept on the ground for fun? A bunch of your psycho fans chased us and we hid in here. We got locked in."

"Yeah," Niall called out from near a bunch of pretty colored tulips. "It was closed for the night."

"How'd you know that?" We all asked at once, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

He pointed to a little white sign posted on the wall, very visible, I might add. "I might not be good at readin' but it looks like that sign says 'Closed at Midnight'. Just sayin'."

I groaned and flailed, accidentally hitting the still softly snoring Harry in the face. How could he even still be asleep? I poked him in the cheek, attempting to stir him. Nothing. I took a curl and put it in his ear. Nope.  I made that weird buzzing noise with my lips right in front of him. Nada. 

"The only way to awaken Sleeping Beauty is from true love's kiss," Zayn said suddenly, not looking up from his phone.

I just stared at him blankly, trying to wrap my head around it. This was probably one of the first things he'd said directly to me. And that was what he decided to use his words for? "So...Lou, you're his true love. Are you going to kiss him or what?"

Lou snorted and walked over to a wall with gardening supplies before coming back over, a watering pail in his hand. "If you don't want to get wet, Princess, I suggest you move." I scrambled up quickly and watched in awe as Louis tilted the pail until a steady stream was pooling into Harry's ear. Still nothing. What the fuck was wrong with this bitch? I'd be freaking out right now if someone poured water in my ear. And that water had been sitting out here for longer than we were. It had to be ice cold. 

Everyone else tried waking him up because this, this was getting ridiculous. Niall burped in his ear. Zayn took off his shoes and tickled his feet. Liam started singing a lullaby and then started hit an insanely high note that made me cover my ears and cringe. And, still, the curly haired bitch was still snoring. 

"What the actual fuck?!" I groaned shoving his shoulder and kicking him in the back a little. Okay. It was more than a little. I was starving and it was cold. And I could have easily been on my way to get something to eat and maybe a nice warm coat if this little dimpled hoe wasn't still sleeping.

"I already told you what to do," Zayn called out from where him and the rest of the boys had moved. They were all at the swings, watching me beat Harry up in his sleep. "You have to kiss him. That's the only way."

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