22 - We Have to Hope

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22 - We Have to Hope

"So...What is it that we're doing here again?" Ashton asked confused as he scanned the area, earning a chuckle from Luke who stood next to him.

Standing in front of an ordinary door to an ordinary house a few cities down from their own, Ashton and Luke awaited for the owner to respond to them ringing the doorbell and awaiting to be welcomed.

"I already explained it to you five times during the car ride, sweetheart." Luke grinned affectionately down at Ashton when he gave him a pouty frown in return.

"I'm still confused."

Luke moved his left hand down to Ashton's waist, moving it to the side in order to wrap his arm around his body. Luke was so entranced with Ashton and his beauty, and he knew that he would never be able to move past that.

"KayKay is the best hacker that we know. Calum and I hired her to track down the hit sent against me, and she let us know that she has some information to give us."

"Hits aren't trackable."

"They are when we're involved."

Then the door was quickly opened with a frantic looking KayKay that looked at Luke expectantly, "Turn your phones off and come inside. Quickly."

KayKay hurriedly left them outside, walking back into her house and expecting the two to listen to her instructions. Ashton looked at Luke confused, making Luke shrug his shoulders before taking his phone out and turning it off. Ashton did the same, quietly following Luke once he went inside, closing the door behind them.

Ashton paused in awe once they stepped inside of the woman's living room, seeing the entire space being full of various pieces of technology with a majority of it being computers.

KayKay was sat at a chair in the middle of the room, typing away on a keyboard that was placed in front of one of the largest computers in the room.

"What did you find?" Luke asked going into professional mode and making his way to stand behind the hacker.

With the fact that the hit on Luke was supposed to be accomplished tomorrow, they were all on panic mode by now.

Ashton stayed standing by the room's entrance, since he was still taking in the various lights and machines. The room was loud of different buzzing sounds combining into one, and Ashton had never experienced anything like it before.

"I did what you and Calum told me to do." KayKay started to explain herself as she kept typing and randomly clicking on things with her mouse that Luke didn't understand, "I traced the call from Ashton's phone and I cracked it to it's source. It was a dead end, but I didn't give up."

She then paused her explanation, leaning forwards to get more closer to the computer. Squinting her eyes to read a small piece of text, she quickly continued.

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