20 - Stubborn Fight

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20 - Stubborn Fight

"How's he doing?" Calum whispered as he leaned over Ashton's sitting figure, peering at the sleeping Michael placed in the bed he's been residing in for now a week.

"He's been doing better." Ashton mentioned, sending Luke a small smile when the tall blonde finally walked through as well, placing his worried eye's attention onto Michael, "Still hurts, but he doesn't want to admit it."

"I was wondering something...and I want to ask you two if it's alright." Calum said seriously, but also with a slightly worried tone.

Luke furrowed his eyes in confused from this, nodding for Calum to state out-loud whatever it was that he wanted to bring up.

"What is it?" Ashton asked, turning around to the side of the chair he was placed on to view the brunette.

"I was wondering if I could work from home for a few days...so I can look after Michael." Calum said hopefully, glancing between Luke and Ashton for assurance.

The truth was, was that Calum felt that out of him, Luke, and Ashton he defiantly had the least amount of moments with the cold hitman.

Ashton has spent two years with Michael as his best friend, creating and spending memories with the other. Even Luke seemed to be closer to Michael than he has; Luke saved his life for crying out loud. It was simply the truth that Calum was the most out of the loop with Michael and he could only hope that spending more time with him and taking care of him soon would suffice the issue.

"Yeah, that's no problem. We're still waiting for KayKay to finish her job." Luke nodded assuredly at Calum, "If you want to stay here with him I understand."

"Oh can I help?" Ashton chimed up, looking hopefully at Luke, making the said mobster let out a soft laugh from Ashton's apparent eagerness.

"With what exactly? We don't need anyone killed yet." Luke mused playfully, smirking when Ashton pouted.

"I don't know. Come up with something for me to do."

"Oh I can do that." Luke's smirk widened, making Ashton blush a small tint.

"Not what I meant..." He muttered before turning the attention back on Calum, "So why the sudden want to stay here with Michael?"

"I need to spend more time with him." He stated honestly, "We haven't had any one-on-one time together. He needs to be comfortable with all of us and I honestly feel like he's even okay around Luke now."

"Aww, Calum." Ashton frowned as he noticed Calum's lack of jokes or teases, instead being overly serious over the matter. Calum really cared that Michael wasn't completely comfortable with him yet, and he wanted to change it.

"He just needs time and a lot of guidance." Ashton continued as he walked up to Calum and delicately wrapped his arms behind the brunette's neck as he peered into the pair of brown eyes that he loved, "Just like me."

"You're too precious." Calum finally cracked a small smile, leaning down to connect their lips in a quick kiss.

"I know." Ashton winked.

"Speaking of sleeping beauty here..." Luke suddenly said, referencing to the now slightly stirring Michael.

Ashton gave Calum one last kiss to his cheek before prodding off to lower himself into the bed next to Michael, wanting the one in pain to wake up with a pair of comforting arms wrapped around him to make things bearable, even if Michael would claim that he didn't want Ashton holding him.

Ashton laid onto his back and gently guided Michael into his grip, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as Michael rested the side of his face into his chest.

The sudden warmth made Michael escape from his remaining amount of sleep, making him slowly open his eyes and rub them quickly with his hands, making Calum coo at the cuteness.

"Why the fuck am I cuddling up with you, Ashton?" Michael growled out as soon as he noticed himself in Ashton's arms.

"Because I wanted to hold you as you woke up." Ashton sent puppy dog eyes and a frown in Michael's direction, making Michael huff and immediately give up from his small rebel against the action. Even if Michael didn't want to admit to it, Ashton was too cute to turn down.

"If I'm going to be held against my will like this then the two morons need to stop staring at me." Michael stated with a large glare being send in Luke's and Calum's direction.

Ashton scoffed before pulling him more into his chest, "Stop being a little bitch baby."

"Fuck off, Ash! I'm not a little bitch baby."

"Or what are you going to do?" Ashton sent him a flashy, teasing smile, "Glare at me until I can't call you a bitch baby anymore?"

"I'm going to hurt you." Michael darkly stated, eyes becoming darker and voice becoming lower as his threat came out.

"Calm down." Ashton rolled his eyes affectionally, holding Michael more tightly and pulling him closer.

"I don't like this." Michael muttered into Ashton's chest.

"Stop complaining about everything." Luke mentioned strictly, making Michael scoff before giving up and letting Ashton hold him.

His wound still hurt, meaning that he couldn't bring up that much of a stubborn fight as he was able to do like before. Michael could only hope that with everything that he had left that he would be able to build up enough strength and even enough courage to kill Calum when the time came next week.


This one isn't edited, sorry. 🥺🥴

Is Michael going to be able to kill Calum? WILL he kill Calum? We'll have to see. 👀


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