The Pause-Epilogue

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For a while, everything was all right. Everything was calm, perfect even if you consider yourself ambitious.

       Assistent dismantled Blackwing and went on to live a normal life with his husband. He was definitely glad for him to be done with all of this chaos. The other CIA members remaining in the Blackwing branch had the option to be relocated or leave. And Blackwing would no longer be a problem.

       Bart went off to find herself, finding herself most likely involved killing people who messed with the balance. But she didn't feel regret for killing Ken anymore, and now she had some decent social skills too.

       Amanda and The Rowdy 3 continued their search for anomalies, letting the road take them where they needed to go.

       Tina went back to Bergsberg for the time being. "For the time being" being the keywords here. She decided to come to Seattle and be with Farah, maybe join the police there, before he dismantled Blackwing, Assistent put in a good word for her. Well, as good of an honest word you can give for Tina. But she wanted some time back in Montana to tie off loose ends, and she and Farah were fine with that.

       Todd's leg healed nicely, it took many long hours of draining physical therapy to ensure that. Often, sessions would end with Todd having an attack or just being out of spoons and in pain, and of course, Dirk was there through all of it. Cheering him from the sidelines and comforting him when they got home.

       When they got home... That's a specific choice of words. Almost like they moved in with each other. They did? They did, and they were never happier.

       They lived for each other's craziness. They lived for their adventures. They woke up happier in the morning now that they were together. And now, that they woke up next to each other, they woke up even happier.

       Truly everything was perfect. Too perfect.

       It was like those eight months of nothing. And the stillness was beginning to weigh down on them.

       The universe gave them a break, and that break was coming to an end.

       But for now, they were at ease, free to enjoy every day to it's fullest. Soaking up every little joyous moment. For now, they had their happily ever...


       The - not "The End", definitely not the end. Maybe an end. An end to this story. See, endings are final, this isn't final. We'll be back. So let's call this:

       "The Pause"

It's done... I did it. Done, DID IT! *does the snap*


Ok, first I'd like to thank everyone for reading. This has been my passion project for the past month and a half. For those curious, I began writing the book on 08/24/20. The book was completed on 11/03/20.

But seriously, If you've been here since the beginning and you read the whole thing I would like to just say... You're amazing and thank you so so much. I can't emphasize how much you all and this show mean to me.

I really hope you enjoyed the book, and if you did I'd like to tell you some good news. There is more coming.

I am writing a sequel. Not to mention the series I have that takes place in this universe, but the novels are the priority.

I did this entire book without a beta-reader and in my next book I'm hoping to find one and I'm not exactly sure how to go about finding one. So if you or anyone you know would be interested, please let me know. And reviews are always welcome and if you have time I would love that as this is my first time writing a book, or publishing anything I wrote, hell my first time writing fanfiction. All the writing I've done in the past has been original and they, unfortunately, didn't go anywhere. So yeah, any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, now before I go I would once again like to thank you for sticking with me to the end of the book, you're all awesome. And if you plan on sticking around, that's even more awesome.

Ok, I'm going now... THANK YOU ALL!

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