Three Seconds to Change The Course of Fate

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       "So what's the plan?" Farah turned to Todd as Mona descended.

"We need a plan?" Bart asked.

"Yes." Todd, Tina, and Farah all said.

"How are you on ammo, Bart?" Tina asked.

"Meh, figured we could break into a weapons room first." She responded.

"Great," Farah said sarcastically. "Do we know where that is?"

"No clue." They all grunted at the response. "Figured the universe would take me to it. I've got enough ammo to get there."

Mona opened her doors and they all stepped out to see the large facility. They began running to the closest entrance and Mona transformed into her human form and followed.

"Hey," The guard said. "You're not supposed to-"

"Yo." Bart cocked her gun and he fell to the ground with a single shot.

Todd took the keycard off of his chest and opened the door.

"This way," Bart said as she ran in front of the group.

They crept through the halls. Surprisingly, and alarmingly, there weren't any guards yet. It was quiet, too quiet.

Bart took the card from Todd and opened a door that led to a room full of guns of all different sizes. That was easy. Too easy.

She took a large gun from the wall, Farah grabbed a slightly smaller one and Tina went for what was most familiar, a small handgun. Todd looked around for anything that he could use but it was all guns, he had never held one before and he didn't trust himself with one in a heavy situation like this. And he didn't think Farah would trust him with one either.

"We ready, motherfuckers?" Tina said in a deep voice and put on a pair of sunglasses that hung from her shirt collar and held her gun in a Charlie's Angels pose.

"Sweetie... what the fuck was that?" Farah laughed and Tina released her pose.

"I don't know, felt cool." She flipped the sunglasses onto the top of her head. "This is like, the most badass I've ever been."

"You've got a handgun," Todd said.

"And you don't have anything." She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed.

"We don't have time for this." Said Bart. "We've got shit to do or whatever."

They walked through the halls, following Bart and Mona's lead. They still hadn't encountered anyone. And everything was fine until-

"Alert. Alert." A booming voice filled the space and flashing lights began. "Intruder Alert. Body found at gate thirteen."

"Fuck." Todd muttered under his breath.

"Get behind me," Farah ordered and he nodded, following her directions.

"Mona?" Bart asked. "Can you go and find The Rowdy 3? Come back when you've found them."

"Got it!" She turned into her moth form and took off.

And it wasn't long before four armed guards made their way to them.

Farah backed Todd up to a wall, keeping him out of the way of harm. Bart took down three no problem until it hit her.

She killed Ken. She killed her best friend. This was her fault.

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