The Tower

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From now on I'll be putting a ‼️before and after anything possibly triggering so it can be skipped easily and the rest of the chapter can still be read.

TW: Minor homophobic comments. Not that it's ever ok but it is very minor, nothing verbal is said and nothing physical is done, actually and he's immediately kicked out of Mary's. It just felt unrealistic having everyone they meet be super supportive.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:

"Dude! You're telling me we've got ghosts?" Tina put her hands to her head making an explosion noise. Hobbs agreed to let her come up and help with the case, but he wasn't able to make it.

"Well, we think they're ghosts. We're not sure. It's just what we're going with for now." Todd corrected her.

"Dirk, why haven't you taken us here before?! The burgers are amazing!" Farah said. They were back at Mary's.

"Well... I may have blurted to Mary about my fancying of Todd so I couldn't really take you here until that happened." He leaned back in his booth in embarrassment.

"Wait... 'fancying' is British for liking someone right?" Tina looked around in approval for her question but was instead met with blank stares stating "obviously". "Until that happened..." she muttered under her breath while the rest of the group patiently waited for her to catch up. "WAIT?! You and Todd are together?!" She once again put her hands to her head and made an explosion noise.

Farah rubbed her back and said, "I told you about that already, sweetie."

"I must have been high..." They nodded, already expecting that to be the answer. "Congrats dudes! I knew it from the beginning. I told Farah I thought you two had something."

"You also didn't notice us holding hands or us sitting closer together?" Todd asked.

"I may or may not be a bit high right now..."

"You really are the worst police officer." Dirk laughed.

"What?! It's legal here! I've gotta fill my quota." They all laughed, even Tina.

"Right... so back to the case." Dirk changed the subject. "We need to find a medium."

"You seriously don't believe in that junk?" Todd turned to face his boyfriend.

"Who's to say mediums aren't like me? What if they've built up a stigma around themselves so that Blackwing all thinks it's a whole bunch of rubbish and leaves them alone."

"That's like... genius," Tina said. "Wait! I dabble in witchcraft." They all looked at her like a Witchacookoo. "No! Not like that Suzie bullshit. Like tarot and crystals. Neo-paganism."

"Uh-huh," Todd looked at her confused and Farrah shared his look. Dirk just looked excited.

"That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn more about that. Well, always since I found out about it... Just now." Dirk bounced.

"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" Todd smiled at him.

"Many times." Todd was about to kiss him but Dirk obliviously turned back to the group in his excitement. "So what does this have to do with the case?"

"Witches talk to ghosts sometimes. I can totally help with this one!" They all doubted Tina's necromancy abilities but if it meant not having to pay someone, they were willing to try it.

"Ok... so what do we need to do? Get an Ouija board?" Todd asked and was met with an immediate response.

"NO! No Ouija! That's like... geez how do I put this, BAD. Like, put a snowman in hell bad, take Zeus and put him under Suzie's love spell times 10 bad, put the Joker in the Bat Cave with a flamethrower, chainsaw, and a motherfucking dinosaur bad."

Dirk Gently and The Ghosts of TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin