Kiss and Tell

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"Amanda?! Amanda, guess what?! I just got back to my flat and you'll never guess what happened." Dirk had just come in and locked the door. He couldn't wait, he had to tell EVERYONE the good news.

"I think I know..."

"Todd said he likes me!" He giggled, he hasn't been able to stop smiling all day.


"How did you know?!" He gasped.

"I was the one who told him to tell you." She was trying not to laugh at Dirk's giddiness.

"I can't thank you enough! But that's not all..." he said in a sing-songy voice, still holding back his squeals.

"What else? Did he kiss you or something?" She rolled her eyes.

"HE KISSED ME!" Dirk flopped backward on his bed as he sighed dramatically.

"How did I know?"

"It was perfect. Perfect I'm telling you!"

"I'm sure." She was thoroughly amused.

He suddenly remembered, "OH! I have to tell Farah!"

"Uh-huh, you go do that."

"Ok! Talk to you later!"

"Bye, Dirk." She laughed as he squealed when he hung up.

Todd just got back to his apartment to see Amanda laughing her ass off.

"What's so funny?" He said.

"Dirk really likes you," she continued laughing.

"He does?" He smiled.

"No shit, Sherlock. What did you do to that boy? How could anyone like you that much."

He gave her the finger playfully, "Fuck you, Watson."

"Did you ruin your friendship? You didn't, I told you that you wouldn't."

"I wouldn't say that just yet." He frowned.

"Stop worrying so much, Todd! He's clearly obsessed with you!"
"Well, he should be." He said sarcastically and Amanda laughed.

"He said you kissed him..." She said in a sing-songy voice.

"Damn it, Dirk." He sat down on the couch next to her. "We're adults, Amanda!"

"Oh, you're adults?" She hid a smile, trying so hard not to laugh.

"We're adults!"

"How was it?"

"Perfect. Dirk is perfect. He's the best man I've ever met."


The phone rung, waiting for Farah to pick up. Dirk laid on his stomach and kicked his legs back and forth like a teen girl in a movie.

"Hello? Dirk?" He jumped up when he heard Farah's voice from the other side and squealed as loud as he could. At this point, all of the neighbors knew about his new relationship. "Dirk, are you ok?!"

"I am more than ok! I am perfect! I am thrilled! I am elated! I am any word that means happy but then multiply it by one million!"

"It happened, didn't it?" She smiled.

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