And The World Went Still

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Ken sighed, "It's been almost a day. How long were they in Wendimoore last time?"

"A few days, sir." One of the soldiers replied.

"Goddamn it." He stared at the house, waiting for something to happen... when something happened.

"Hi, Ken." A scratchy voice responded from behind him.

"Hello, Bart." He turned around. The soldiers raised their weapons at her but he waved his hand to signal them to stand down. Reluctantly, they obeyed. "What brings you here?"

"Do you have Dirk yet?" She had a rifle pointed at him.

"No. He's in Wendimoore."

"OH COOL!" She smiled and lowered her gun. "Wendimoore is great. Have you been?"

"Has everyone been to Wendimoore?!" He threw his arms up in frustration but then she returned her gun to pointing at him.

"Oh hi, Bart!" Dirk had emerged from the mansion's front door behind them and waved enthusiastically. All of the soldiers turned around and pointed their rather large guns at him. "Oh shit. Forgot about that for a moment."

"Seriously?!" Todd said.

"Hi, Dirk!" Bart said. "I'm here to help you!"

"Mona made it? I knew she could!"

"Thank you!" She appeared and everyone jumped. "Oh sorry, did I scare you? Can I go back to being a bug again, Bart?"

"Go ahead." She nodded and Mona smiled as she returned to her moth form.

"Ok, what the fuck is happening here?" Tina asked. "Like, one minute we're in Wendimore, the next we're staring down the barrels of multiple machine guns, the next we're exchanging pleasantries? Seems to me like we should just run! We could have been out of here by now!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Ken laughed.

"Dirk..." Bart said.


"You guys should probably duck."

"Duck?" He raised his brows, narrowly escaping death as Todd quickly pulled him down behind the railing of the front porch, crawling out of the way as multiple gunshots fired their direction.

Bart fired at the speed of light, taking down every soldier there, their bullets dodging her. Ken completely out of the way but she was sidetracked by the new vans approaching, shooting at her.

Where was Ken? He and Lieutenant Assistant had made their way onto the wrap around porch.

"Come on out, Slvad." Dirk shuddered at the name from around the corner. "You don't want your friends hurt, now do you?" Farah motioned for him and Todd to keep making their way around the house, he shook his head furiously 'no'.

"I can't let more people get hurt." He whispered. "People die when I'm around. I'm not letting anyone else die." He tried to make his way around the corner but Todd pulled him back.

"We're on a case, we're not giving up until we solve it," Todd whispered back.

"Go! Tina and I will hold them off." Farah whispered.

"There you are," Ken smirked.

Farah ran forward, eyes filled with rage as she curled her fists inwards before they forcefully landed on Ken's chin. Tina launched for Assistent and kneed him in the gut, causing him to double over as he grunted.

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