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It had been two hours since they got back from 1941 and back to the motel. And everyone was on edge, to say the least.

How was it possible that Zackariah Webb was with Blackwing? It didn't make sense. It seemed so unlike him. But Farah also said it seemed unlike her great aunt to be acting the way she was in the mansion. Why was she there? How did she know the name Bibbit? Why was that thing called Bibbit? What was that thing, period. Why was there a pocket dimension that worked the same way the one in the Cardena's house did in a house in Louisiana? How did none of them notice Mona?!

To say the least, absolutely nothing about this case made sense. If you could even call it a case. Right now it seemed more like a fever dream on shrooms.

No one hired them, at least for this part. Nothing connected, at least in the case, it seemed to be connected to everything else that ever happened to them ever but didn't connect together. And it seemed to be going nowhere.

What was the next step? Because they had no idea of what to do. Just sit back and wait for something to happen? That seemed like their best and only option.

Farah and Tina just layed in the bed next to Todd and Dirk's, staring at the ceiling, silent. Todd sat on the edge of his, writing down everything he knew about the case, trying to connect things in a web to no avail, anxiously waiting for Dirk to return.

That's right, waiting for him to return.

After they got back, Todd had asked that they talk about what happened but Dirk insisted he needed some time by himself. He wanted to respect him and give him space if he needed it, but two hours? He was worried, and sure two hours isn't a lot but for Dirk it is.

"Have you heard from Dirk?" Todd turned to Farah and Tina.

"No," Farah sat up. "You haven't either?"

"He hasn't said anything to me either," Tina said.

"Shit. I'm going to call him." Todd went to grab his phone when his screen turned on and Dirk was calling. "It's him!" He said excitedly and answered immediately. "Dirk?! Are you ok?"

But it wasn't Dirk on the other side. It was a southern man, "Is this Dirk's girlfriend?"

"No, this is his best friend, Todd."

The man let out an auditable OH and said, "I hate to ruin your friendship or out your friend, I know that's bad, but it's a little late for that now." He laughed nervously. "He asked me to call a contact that said 'Moon and Stars' with a string of heart emojis... and I'm talking about a lot of heart emojis... and now I'm talking to you... I think he likes you..."

Todd smiled now knowing his contact name. Dirk was too precious for this world. "Oh, no! It's ok. He actually is my boyfriend." The man sighed in relief. "We're here on business and trying to stay safe, ya know?"

"Oh good, glad he has someone to help him through this." He gasped, "Unless you had a fight, you better not have. I don't know you but if you made him this upset you've made an enemy of me."

"Wait, what's happening? Is he ok?!"

"We're on the beach, he's very drunk."

"Oh god," Todd got up and began putting on his shoes. Farah and Tina looked over at him concerned. He looked at them saying, "He's not a pretty sight drunk, " Farah's eyes widened, knowing all too well. "Well, he still is pretty but he's, ugh, sorry, getting sidetracked, you know what I mean."

Dirk Gently and The Ghosts of TimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя