What everyone thinks of each other part 4

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This was suggested by WolfPotato8 i'ma do it in parts because otherwise it would be a lot to write..... part 4 is clay ( Btw there each in different rooms answering the question.... it's kind of like those questioning rooms that they have in prisons in criminal minds )
What do you guys think of clay

William: straight up the most annoying mean buzz killing pasty greasy dusty ass money looking two faced mother fucker. And also he lies unprovoked, and clay rimes with gay so I think I got him on this one. I WIN BITCH!!!!!!!! Get your inbred ass exposed yipy ki yay mother fucker

Carlton: well..... he's my dad soooo I can't really say anything bad about him, but he did let me get kidnapped by a child murder

Henry: he's a good man and a first responder, and I respect what he does for this town to keep us safe. It's a very dangerous job, I know I couldn't do it.

Ella: I think he looks cute in his uniform

Charlie: 0/10 he got upset at me for touching the body

Mike: he's scary

Cassidy: he is such a fucking idiot, he just let William get away, I mean I'm only eight and did his job better.

Scott: if only he he knew all the shit Afton did

Who should be next m8's

Incorrect fnaf quotes mostly afton's and Emily'sWhere stories live. Discover now