Sunny will have a love interest

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Yep folks thats right Sunny will have a love intrest.

In an intreview, Tui T Sutherland comfirmed that there is a dragon she previously introuduced who would be perfect for Sunny. Its just that she needs a way to get the two to meet and Tui did not confirm who this love intrest may be.

There has been so many ships involving Sunny in this series. We've had the most popular, Sunnyflight, we've had Sunny and Fatespeaker, Sunny and Clay. Some people even had the audacity to ship Sunny and Smolder for crying out loud.

But Sunkat has also been a big one.

So because Sunkat (Sunny and Meerkat) is one of the most popular ships, alot of people think Meerkat is Sunny's love interest. (Meerkat is a Sandwing introuduced in book 7 Winter turning, if you don't know who that is then google Meerkat Wings of fire and you should remember him there.)I however do not ship this. Oh moons this is turning into a ship opinion isn't it? Oh well its midnight and I got nothing better to do lets get to it.

The first and the biggest reason I don't ship this is because they haven't event met. The ship is all based off of guesses and theories, look I love theories and stuff like that but this is a ship. And that is completely diffrent. Personally, when I ship stuff I ship it because of thier encounters, how they met, how its developed, and so on. I like seeing how the two characters met, I like to see thier encounters.

For example lets use Artcticslayer (Foeslayer and Arctic, parents or Darkstalker and Whiteout). Arctic met Foeslayer when she and three other Nightwings were going to the Icewings to form an alliance (how they met). Before Arcitc met Foeslayer, he was cold and grumpy but when he met her for the first time (First encounter), she made him laugh.

That was something no one had ever done before.

By then my mind was already shipping it. But the Tui kept writting and she kept developing it, so it wasn't just a ship. She had the two characters meet every night, falling for each other more and more until they wanted to run away and be together.

You see? I feel like this is like how Tui does ships you, know? (Most of you probably aren't understanding what I'm trying to say but those that do should get an award or medal or something.)

Anyhow back to sunkat and how its just based on a theory. Thats the main reason why I don't ship it. There is no wierd or unusual way how they met, there is no funny and adorable encounters, and there is no developing the ship, all because they haven't met. Now, if these two were to meet and if, (Again), they had funny and adorable encounters after that and Tui did develop it, then maybe I would.

I also feel that people ship this just because they're butthurt about Sunnyflight (Which is a whole nother can of worms. SUNNY REJECTED STARFLIGHT ALRIGHT? GET OVER IT. JUST PAT STARFLIGHT ON THE BACK AND MOVE ON *Clears throat* Sorry its midnight and I haven't had more than two hours of sleep for hell knows how long, sorry continue.)

Other than people shipping it just to get over Sunnyflight, we also know nothing about Meerkat. We don't know anything about his personality, maybe he doesn't want a love life. We don't even know what he looks like for moons sakes! Seriously! Go google Meerkat wings of fire and we don't even know his coloring or anything, his appearance is just young and handsome.

Also, maybe Sunny doesn't want somebody. There are some people that have no intrest in relationships. She certainly seems happy with her friends and her family, and she seems happy with helping Pyrriah stay at peace using Jade mountain. Yeah I know its kind of a narrow minded view of the golden Sandwing because most people say "Oh she's always happy-" and stuff like that. But I'm not saying that. No, I think she's happy where she is. I think she's happy that Pyrriah is at peace and that she's helping keep that peace while being with her friends.

Folks I think we trailed off. So, we were talking about Sunny having being in a relationship in the future (I actually had to scroll up to remember what my next point to talk about next was).

I don't think Sunny needs a ship, as I have explained, and I don't think its really needed in the book series itself. If you noticed, some of the ships sort of advance the plot. For example, in book one. Peril helps the dragonets escape the Skywing kingdom and why? Because she's in love with Clay. Not all of them do it ofcourse but some do.

Anyhow, that's my take on Sunny having a ship.

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