29. You're both safe now

Start from the beginning

"Max what's bothering you mate?" Milo rubbed his friends knee
"Nothing, I just, What if she you know thinks I'm.....uneducated" he looked at me sideways, I appreciated his subtlety "I....I love her, I want....I want to make her happy, what if I can't make her happy, in the bedroom. I'm good at the chase but I can't make them stay can I. Obviously! Longest relationship I've been in is six months, most of that was on the road and if I'm honest I knew it was over after four months I just didn't want to admit or deal with it on the road. So technically if you add up physical time spent together this is my longest relationship."
"Dude she wasn't right for you, we all knew it." I patted his back "she was too much like your mother for a start"
"Tell me about it." He chuckled "I just....I don't want to screw up, I don't want to accidentally hurt her and then she runs a mile because I've accidental triggered something."

"Why would you...." I trailed off my eyes widening at him when he shifted awkwardly covering his crotch
"I think you take after me boy, I had similar issues with my ex, not with your mother mind, we'll have a private talk later max, there's certain things you can do to help." Henry grinned proudly
"Dad! Matty's here! And Eww gross I do not need to know what you and mum do."
"I just said not with your mum, I've been around the block son, I wasn't a virgin when I met your mother you know, nor was she. Far from it. You weren't a one time thing son."
"Stop talking!" Max whined "it's not....it's not that....she's.....petite" he struggled to find an appropriate word "but it's not just that, I've never done...certain things.....what if....I don't know. I love her so much, I don't want to hurt her dad."
"Oh god I feel sick" I got up pacing a little

"Sorry Matty, I just mean, I'm not sure what I mean" he sighed "I thought posh boy was timid and shy but now I'm not sure he was behind closed doors, I've found out a few things since we started dating that for sure surprised me about mr perfect, what if he's better than me and she goes back to him! My ex said I was too....well me! In the bedroom as well as out of it. Maybe she had a problem and was too shy to say dad, now she was a prude. I'm not sure I want to know about my Emmy's past experience." Max mumbled sadly "it's hard to separate, I want her to feel safe with me but if I'm....not compatible then.... I don't know, she's fragile, I've never been with someone who's fragile. I know I'm a ball of energy and I don't want that to affect her in a bad way."
"Mate she's a ball of energy too." I offered up, trying to decide if I wanted to hug him or punch him.
"She is" he smiled shyly
"Son you're over thinking, you're fine, we'll have that chat away from the boys. I always said you'd take after me" henry winked patting Max's blushing cheeks.

"I still don't understand why she stormed out?" He checked his phone changing the subject
"I think it's just her flight instinct mate." Tom pulled his phone out "mums got her but she's refusing to talk to Laura so she's coming back Ed."
"It's one step forward three steps back" he sighed
"She's ok Ed" Laura piped up rejoining us "she didn't get far. She's sitting in a tree three streets away."
"In a tree?" Max scrunched his face up in confusion
"Yeah I think she was on the phone to peter" she laughed "she said and I quote I ain't coming down until that bitch fucks off" Laura did a bad British accent
"She doesn't sound like that, she has a sexy accent" max giggled "sorry Laura and I'm sorry if I embarrassed you earlier my mouth runs away with it's self sometimes. I can't help it, it's my ADHD but I'm still sorry."
"We'll try and keep it down, I'm sorry I wasn't aware it was still an issue, or that we were that loud!"
"We're not, she had her ear pressed to the door" Ed laughed

"Not quite Ed, one time and only because you bought Laura back and didn't tell her, again! She thought you were in trouble and darted over to check before I could stop her, I told you that. We could hear you from our old room though, more him than you Laura, we could only hear you when you, you know...finish. I mean my old room. She just don't like it." He shrugged "threw up one time, didn't even make it to the bathroom, I'd presumed when she'd go to the bathroom she was being sick but that one time....all over my bed sheets, she was so embarrassed......I think....maybe you make the same sex noises as her stepdad or maybe someone else...unpleasant, maybe, I'm not sure, she won't talk about it, her nightmares are worse after we hear you. In fact I can guarantee she'll have at least one if you've got the girlfriend staying over, even if you're not getting it on, she has multiple in one night if you are getting frisky. Really bad ones, slapped me round the face in her sleep once, kneed me in nuts another time, it's hazardous." Max giggled, at least he wasn't complaining about it and running a mile.
"Shit, sorry, damn it, I'm so sorry Matty" Ed pleaded "really max?" He asked sadly and max shrugged and nodded

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