38. Horrible feeling I'm gonna regret this

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We set up the house, hiding things that were personal that might trigger something if someone asked about it, like our house rules and some of Max's adhd stuff. Jem eventually appeared looking stunning, most of her scars cleverly disguised, covered with long mesh socks, a lot of beads, but she was showing more than she would normally if people were over.

"There's my beautiful girl" Peter greeted Jem picking her up by the hips putting her on the table, his fingers wandering inside her lace shorts "you look amazing, love you." He nuzzled into her neck kissing it, pulling her hips closer to his groin so he was stood between her legs.
"Do you mind!" Max protested
"Told you I could pull it off" Peter cockily laughed at Max's sour face
"No ones here yet! Take your hands out of her damn shorts!" Max stood up, this was going to be a long day. "Emmy! I don't want him doing that!"
"What this?" Peter smirked rubbing her thighs trailing his hand up to her face cupping it, hovering like he was going to kiss her

"Don't you dare!" Max started to get twitchy
"You sure he's not on drugs?" Peter asked Jem
"No, he's not! He has nervous tics. He doesn't like talking about them so Don't be a dick about about it!"
"Oh sorry mate...I didn't know, not seen it before, you know in London or when I was here before."
"I was on medication, I'm not on it right now" max embarrassedly confessed
"Cool, whatever" Peter shrugged turning back to Jem "you never said sorry."

"Morning baby" max smiled trying to wiggle his way closer and push Peter away from her "you sleep ok?" She nodded "I errr.....you coming back to our room tonight? I missed you?"
"Depends" Jem mumbled
"On what?"
"Who else you take in there today"
"What! No one! I locked our door, no ones going in there. That's just for you and me and occasionally your brother crashes the party" he giggled trying to make her smile with a bad joke at my expense
"Hot Girls in bikinis are tempting dude" Peter stirred the pot
"It's mainly males coming anyway! And I'm not looking, I got emmy!"
"Who can't wear a damn bikini at a pool party like your other tarts can" Peter continued
"I don't have....." max took a large breath "baby, I'm not looking at anyone just because we can't be open and together today, okay? I promise. You look hot in a bikini, don't listen to him. I like you in your daisy one, you know that."

"You telling them you're single?" Jem asked quietly
"I errr I guess I have to? I'm not walking around declaring it. Only if I'm asked." He answered more as question "you're pretending to date Peter!"
"No im not!" Jem snapped angrily "whatever arrangements you've made on my behalf I'm not interested in! You're not my pimp!"
"I didn't! If you don't want to then just say no!"
"Jem you don't have to...." I was interrupted by the door bell
"Well see ya when you're done pretending I don't exist." Jem jumped down from the table.
"Emmy, please, Matty this is so unfair."
"I know" I sighed watching my sister compose herself with Peter in the garden, where she was obviously crying. "Oh god, the teacher! It's not just steve she was a secret for. Damn it."
"Oh fuck!" max gripped his hair "please Matty, let me be with her please. I'm begging you, please."

"I'm sorry max, we can't today alright, it's too soon, but we will at some point, go public I mean."
"We will?" Max's eyes widened
"Yeah" I nodded "I'm cool with this max" his eyes widened further "i know, I'm surprising myself right now too. I just don't want..."
"I know, I know. But...really?" His eyes glistened over
"Yeah mate, I'm sorry I've been an ass. Don't fuck it up though dude! Right compose yourself, game face. She's not gonna last long today anyway I don't think. Give it a little longer max, sort yourself out, as a couple, make sure it's going to last long term and you're solid, iron out the kinks so we don't have a repeat of this week and then we'll do a casual going public thing. That okay with you?"
"Thank you. I understand, I agree, we need to ease her into it, being a midnight blue girlfriend is even more intense than being a sister, I know that. They can be a little crazy. I want to protect her from all that as much as possible, but I just don't want her to feel like I'm ashamed of her because I'm not." We shook on it and he skipped off dragging milo with him giving him the update, milo looked over at me with a proud smile giving my a subtle thumbs up.

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