26. Moving day

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Moving day had arrived, we hadn't found the perfect place yet however there had been several fans that had found out where the boys lived, not only had they been bold enough to knock on our door and camp out outside waiting for them to leave some of them had posted the address online with photos, so it had become impossible to leave the house the last few weeks. The boys had had enough despite pleas from themselves and management they just kept coming, the neighbours had been complaining non stop, Matty didn't want me and max public knowledge yet so max was increasingly frustrated, he couldn't even give me a peck outside of the house not even in the back garden incase we were photographed, we'd almost got caught when he was flirting outrageously in the pool with me last week, he went in for a kiss, just before he locked lips Ed dived bombed in right next to us, splashing at us. Max complained until he heard the shrills of the fan that had been climbing over the garden fence that were being intercepted by Matty and jack who we had had to have move in because it was getting so bad. I'd panicked and held my breath underwater, I was only wearing a bikini, scars on full display, as it was only the boys and jack at home. Max tried to pull me up above the surface but I just kept resisting or taking another breathe to go back under. I remember hearing him muffle yelling from above the water "jack get her out now before Emmy drowns for Christ sake!" both him and Ed yanking me frantically to the surface sandwiching me between their bodies to pin me in place and stop me going under again, telling me they had me.

Safe to say after that incident I was on edge, every creek of a floor board or slight sound I was hiding incase someone had broken in. The boys decided to just get somewhere temporarily until we found somewhere, buying a house that wanted a quick sale with no onward chain and was already sitting empty meaning we could move straight in, the boys paying up front in full making life easier. It was one of the ones we had looked at before and rejected for being too small, after much heated discussion, which I wasn't a part of, Matty agreed to me a max sharing a room, we were in each others all the time anyway, since jack had taken the floral room I'd been mainly in with max or my brother as the boys pointed out to him. It was only on the rare occasion we slept separately, still enjoying the honeymoon period of our new relationship. Despite Matty's patrolling outside the door constantly. Max was giddily excited at the prospect of permanently sharing.

"I'm done, you need a hand baby?" Max skipped into my floral room, pulling me back into him, kissing my neck repeatedly
"You mean you just tossed everything into boxes and I'm gonna have to help you organise it all when we get there don't you" I giggled kissing his arm "I bet you didn't even fold your clothes."
"I errrrr....maybeeeee" he shyly giggled "sorry. I kept getting distracted so decided to just toss it all in before I wandered off and completely forgot to finish. You know what I'm like."
"I do indeed, mr short attention span. That's your ADHD right? The disorganisation? Being late? Forgetting stuff? Getting distracted?" He nodded shyly not looking up from my neck he was nuzzling into. "Interesting" I nodded

"your tics? Is that adhd or..." I asked curiously, still trying to get him to open up more about it.
"No baby, that's an extra, sorry"
"Why you apologising?"
"I can usually control them, or at least make them small enough that no one notices them, you hadn't noticed them until the boys pointed them out, Jackasses. I don't know why the past few weeks I haven't been able to."
"I was reading up, stress makes them worse"
"True, it has been a stressful few months hasn't it." He agreed "I really am sorry about the other night."
"Drumsticks it's not your fault if you tic when you're half asleep!"
"I know but, I whacked you really hard..."
"You did what!" Matty boomed making us both jump

"Easy tiger" I laughed "he jerked his arm when he was half asleep two nights ago that's all, his shoulder tic. Look small bruise that all" I pulled the shoulder of my dress down to show him "no big deal like I keep telling him."
"Oh right, sorry max, of course, shit I'm sorry mate" Matty looked at his best friend mortified
"You know I wouldn't Matty"
"I know I know, it's like an auto pilot in my brain, it's an impulse."
"I know what that's like, I'm mortified Matty, we were just saying they've been getting worse the last couple of weeks. The big ones have come back from no where."
"Well mate, I know, we'd noticed, first time since before Jem arrived the big ones have resurfaced, you know the more you think about them the worse...." Matty trailed off stifling a laugh at Max's shoulder and head jerking in perfect timing as if giving a demonstration "exactly" Matty walked in massaging his shoulders "this helps Jem, if he hasn't told you yet, which he should have done."
"Right, no he hadn't, thanks for tip bro." I smiled

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