3. I hate you

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I couldn't believe max, had he been spouting lines at me the whole time! Was this what he meant last night when he texted to say he needed to tell me things! It wasn't long before he appeared in my room.
"Was that really necessary Emmy?"
"What! Did I upset your girlfriend, little miss peppy?"
"She didn't mean anything by it, she didn't know. Ed didn't tell her anything Emmy I swear, he's really upset you think he'd do that! You can't make him choose between you and Laura!"
"Oh and that makes it ok does it? She can upset me, in my own house, but it's ok because she's thick as two short planks and doesn't mean it! He still obviously told his fucking girlfriend! who's then gone and told my personal stuff to your slut and god knows who else! Fucking stupid bitch! Why are they even here, nobody told me they were coming! You inconsiderate bastard! As for Ed I meant it! she goes or I go!"
"Of course it's not ok Emmy....she's not my slut!...are you ok?"
"are you actually fucking kidding me! No! I'm not ok max, and don't act like you give a damn!"
"You know I do!"
"Really? Why's your slut here then!"
"She's not my anything."

"Was it all a lie max? Or just some of it?"
"You finally ware me down and I give into you and a few hours later you've got a dumb bimbo slapper hanging all over you! In front of me! Rubbing it in my face! Caressing your Arthur tattoo! My Arthur! Do you hate me that much?"
"It's not like that Emmy, I was just doing Ed a favour."
"well why don't you do me a favour and Just get out and leave me the hell alone max"
"No, Emmy I love you"
"Don't make me laugh max, you're just like the rest of them, you got what you wanted all along so now you can just fuck off, add me to the notches on your bed post and move on cos that's all I'm good for right! I'm just a bit on the side, the dirty little secret, the easy fuck, the trophy, well you got your damn prize so fuck off back to your girlfriend little miss peppy!"
"Emmy! she's not my girlfriend."

"Bullshit! You're on a third date no wait fourth wasn't it surfer boy! that's the very definition of dating you idiot, my brain might work slower than yours but I'm not fucking stupid! You'd better get back to your bimbo before she gets lost looking for her last remaining brain cell! I hope you're really happy together max, but this" I pointed between us "not happening again, it was a fucking mistake that will not be happening again. I don't even want to be near you, so seriously don't even talk to me! You make me sick! You two timing piece of shit!"
"So it's ok for you to be with William while you're sleeping with me, it's ok for you to cheat on him with me, but I can't talk to a girl as a favour for a mate?"
"That's what you think of me is it, figures, you don't know me at all max weaver! Soulmates, it's a joke! A favour? Talk?her Maxey! Boyfriends little sister! Forth date! Maybe I should go tell my brother you fucked me last night while you've been fucking your new girlfriend! Huh? Shall I Maxey? See what he has to say about it?"
"Wait, Emmy, stop, no don't...."
I stormed out of the room, he hadn't even bothered asking about my relationship status with William last night, it didn't seem to bother him when he had my naked body under his! Max chased after me as I grabbed my hoodie, headphones and pulled my shoes on frantically.

"Jem? Where are you going?" Matty asked
I rolled my eyes at him shoving my arms in my hoodie roughly as I frantically pulled it on flustering in my haste.
"Tell Ed I've got my headphones so just go for it, you too max, Knock yourself out pal, bimbo looks like a screamer, I hope you enjoy yourself. For future reference keep your fucking annoying girlfriend the hell away from me! Tell Ed the same!" I scoffed at max disgusted at the thought "stupid dumb bitches!" I yelled angrily in the direction of the kitchen as I flung the front door open. "I want notice before you lot bring anymore whores home as agreed so I don't have to be here understood!" I yelled back at them as I stormed down our driveway "scrap that make a damn choice!" I turned around raging at max and my brother, making sure I was being loud enough for Ed to hear too "me or them! You've got till I get back to decide!"

Loving JemimaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora