Chapter 5

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Knock Out suddenly heard pedsteps and was trying to crawl back to the berth afraid of what Road Siren might do to him for trying to escape.

She had already taken his sight and poor Knock Out was afraid of what she might take form him next. He was trying desperately to get back how she left him but it was impossible since he couldn't see what he was doing.

And he heard the pedsteps coming closer at this point he gave up and just laid there thinking of what she might do to him and cringing inside.

"Knock Out what has she done to you?" Asked a voice that surprised him.

"Arcee!" Knock Out cried feeling relief and joy that one of his friends had found him and that his nightmare was almost over. "I don't know what she did but she blinded me and I need to get to a hospital right away."

"Don't worry I'll help you." She said. But suddenly Knock Out felt a prick in his arm.

"Did you really think any of them would find you?!" Road Siren hissed at him she had been imitating Arcee's voice to play a cruel joke on him.

"That should help with the pain." She said using Ratchet's voice. "It will also keep you in stasis for awhile."

"I don't want you trying to wonder off again." She finished in her own voice before she put him back on the berth and strapped him down. Then slapped him across the faceplates.

Knock Out couldn't see or move to fight her. But he knew that was why she had blinded him so she could play these sick mind games on him by pretending to be his friends. By taking his sight away she had made it easier to mess with him.

He felt himself slowly starting to lose consciousness. Then Road Siren kissed him on the forehead again. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." She said in a different voice that made Knock Out try to lash out at her.

Knock Out wanted to kill her for using Breakdown's voice. He didn't even know how she had heard it to imitate but how dare she copy the voice of his dead best friend.

But he was strapped down and ended up passing out as the drug she'd given him took effect and forced him to go into stasis. But never in Knock Out's life had he wanted to kill someone so much.

Road Siren waited till Knock Out was in stasis then left him strapped down on the berth and locked the door behind her just in case.

Meanwhile the others were still looking for Knock Out. Now Starscream had recovered and was able to join in the search.

So far no one had had any luck. And they were all worried about their friend.

Bulkhead at one point spotted tire tracks and he and Wheeljack decided to follow them thinking they might be Knock Out's.

And Smokescreen found some too.

"Guys I think it his and Road Siren must be forcing him to go somewhere because I see a second pair of tire tracks." Smokescreen told them over the com-link.

But right after he said that he saw Bulkhead and Wheeljack ahead of him leaving the tire tracks while they were following his and it turned out they had all been driving in a circle.

"Oops." They all three said at once. Then laughed at the misunderstanding know they'd have a funny story to tell later.

Meanwhile Starscream was looking in his jet mode. When he spotted dried energon on the ground and saw where someone had been dragged off. And started to call the others but his com-link suddenly shorted out.

Starscream saw more energon a little ways off and realized someone had been dragged off here and left a tail of it. So the seeker decided to follow it.

Being a seeker had made Starscream perfect to help in the search since seekers were good at finding things.

He continued to follow the energon trail knowing if it was Knock Out's he didn't have any time to lose because this all but confirmed he had been hurt.

Starscream continued till he found an abandoned hospital and carefully went inside. He knew he had to be careful in case Road Siren was around. He wasn't positive the energon was Knock Out's but he wanted to be sure.

And if Road Siren did have his friend Starscream wanted to get Knock Out away from her as soon as possible. Knowing how crazy she was.

So he went down the hallway and started carefully checking each room being careful not to run into Road Siren or miss Knock Out.

Then he came to a room where he saw Knock Out strapped down on a berth.

"Knock Out!" Starscream cried as he rushed over to the berth and undid the straps. He noticed the red medic was starting to stir. "Don't worry I'm here to get you out of here."

"No!" Knock Out yelled as he swung at the seeker he didn't see where he was hitting and was hoping to get lucky. "I won't fall for it again!" "Stay away form me!"

"Knock Out it's me." Starscream said to his friend wondering what had gotten into him until he saw his optics had no light in them meaning he was blind in them.

"Oh Knock Out." Said Starscream remembering Road Siren's power and realizing what she had been doing to his friend. And the seeker silently vowed to make her pay.

"Knock Out I'm not Road Siren.." Starscream started to try to explain knowing Road Siren had done this just to make it harder to rescue Knock Out from her and he had to get him out of there. But the seeker was cut off by Knock Out taking another swing at him and accidentally activating his saw.

Starscream tried to dodge but too late and ended up with a deep cut across his chestplates. The seeker put a servo over the wound that had just been inflicted on him and started to try to get through to his friend again knowing Knock Out wasn't really to blame for it.

When Starscream was suddenly hit from behind by Road Siren who snuck up on Knock Out and sedated him again causing the red transformer to go into stasis.

The she took Knock Out to one of the cells and locked the unconscious mech inside after making sure his weapons had been deactivated not knowing how they had come back online. And then saw energon where he had just been on the floor.

She didn't see any wounds on him that were leaking but noticed he kept leaving energon where ever he would lay for a certain amount of time. She decided to ignore it wanting him to suffer.

Then she went back and dragged Starscream who was wounded from where Knock Out's saw hit him out of the hospital and dumped him in the middle of nowhere knowing he'd offline soon enough.

And smiled to herself knowing the seeker would no longer be a problem.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. I'll try to get the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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