Chapter 1

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This is a sequel to my story Cherry On Top. If you haven't read that one yet you might one to check it out first because this one might be hard to understand other wise. With that out of the way enjoy the story.

He opened his optics as everything slowly came into focus. Only to realize he was strapped down on a berth.

Knock Out didn't know how he got there but he knew he was in trouble and started frantically pulling at his restraints. He didn't know where he was but the place felt familiar and not at all in a good way.

Then he suddenly realized why it felt familiar and where he was and felt his spark race as panic took him over.

"No how did I get here?!" He whimpered. "HOW DID SHE GET ME!!!"

"Did you really think you could get away from me?" Road Siren said as she came down the stairs. "I'm far from being done with you."

Then she went over and kissed him on the forehead. He hated it when she did that. He hated having the femme who had hurt and tried to kill him and friends pretending to show him affection. He knew she just did it to mock him.

He couldn't believe he had once dated her and even loved her he didn't know what he had ever seen in the femme who had held him in her basement against his will, tortured and nearly killed him and put Starscream in a coma which the seeker had narrowly survived and fortunately recovered from. As well as made him think she murdered Arcee in cold blood.

Knock Out couldn't stand this femme and hated her for what all she had done to him and his friends.

"I have something to show you now." She told him. And he didn't like the way she sounded when she said it.

Then she forced him up and he saw the bodies of all his friends as his optics filled with coolant tears.

"Their dead because of you Knock Out I had to kill them to punish you." Road Siren told him statistically.

Which caused the poor red medic to lash out at her.

"NO YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO KILL THEM!!!" Knock Out half sobbed half roared at her. Only for her to slap him hard across the faceplates knocking him to the floor.

"I see you need to be punished some more." She hissed. Then took him to a room where to his horror she had Starscream and Arcee who were both still alive strapped down on berths with IVs hooked to them. And he could tell they were both badly hurt.

And Road Siren walked over to Starscream's IV and injected a syringe that Knock Out could tell was full of Tox-en into it. He could only watch in horror as the seeker's body shook violently before it became still and a spark monitor Starscream was hooked to flatlined.

Then having just watch another one of his friends die Knock Out snapped and tackled Road Siren using his saw to cut her in half. But suddenly realized Road Siren had somehow gotten behind him and to his horror he had just killed Arcee.

Realizing what he'd just done Knock Out dropped to his knees in coolant tears but turned just in time to see Road Siren about to stab a scalpel into his face.

"NOO!!!" Knock Out scream as he rolled off his berth and onto to floor. He vented hard for several minutes before relaxing after he realized it was only a nightmare.

Knock Out wanted to go through his whole contacts list to make sure all his friends were OK but stopped himself upon seeing it was 3:00 in the morning knowing they'd all be in recharge right now and not wanting to bother anyone.

So he went to the wash racks and cleaned himself up then went and got a cube of energon trying to calm himself.

This hadn't been the first nightmare he'd had since his experience with Road Siren. But they were getting worse.

The next day he went to work at the hospital and told Rung about his nightmares. And as a psychiatrist Rung knew the red medic was suffering from PTSD.

And after what Road Siren had put him through it was no wonder. Poor Knock Out had been lucky to have come out of the ordeal alive. Rung told Knock Out about some coping mechanisms and calming exercises he could do.

And the Austin Martin thanked him before going back to work.

Fortunately Road Siren had been sent to the psych ward of a different hospital that was in Kaon because Ratchet and the rest of Knock Out's friends had made sure of it not wanting her anywhere near their friend after what she'd done to him.

And Knock Out was grateful to them just wanting to forget about her and what she put him through.

Knock Out ran into Ratchet who was talking to Starscream who looked embarrassed about something. And that was when Knock Out noticed the seeker was only partly transformed enough so he could walk but his cockpit was still exposed.

"Why are you like that?" Asked Knock Out.

"Because if I transform all the way I'll crush him." Starscream explained. "But that's starting to become tempting."

Then Knock Out looked and noticed Wheely was stuck in Starscream's cockpit.

"Hey let me out of here!" The minicon kept yelling.

"Oh it's your own fault for getting in there while I was taking a stasis nap in my jet mode." Starscream whined. "And then it had to get jammed while he was in there."

"It might be a good idea to nap in your bot mode from now on so this doesn't happen again." Ratchet suggested.

"Noted." Starscream agreed.

"And Wheely don't get inside other bot's alt modes while there recharging its a good way to be crushed if they transform without knowing your there." Knock Out added.

Starscream had actually gotten his cockpit jammed in the first place from having noticed Wheely right as he was transforming and stoping it at the wrong time and dislocated part of his cockpit. (Kind of like someone pulling or dislocating a muscle if they move wrong.)

Knock Out and Ratchet both worked together to get Starscream's cockpit open and got Wheely out before fixing Starscream.

And both Starscream and Wheely were grateful when it was over. And Ratchet and Knock Out both had to struggle to keep a straight face.

Then Ratchet continued to talk to Starscream and lecture Wheely to stay out of other bot's alt modes unless he had permission before the minicon left to go home.

While Knock Out went to his office. But suddenly Ratchet and Starscream heard Knock Out scream and rushed to where his office was. And found the cherry colored mech standing at the door to his office that had been trashed.

Everything had been scattered on the floor and pictures knocked off the wall some of them broken and there was something spray painted on the wall in bright blue.

It said. "YOUR MINE!!!"

To Be Continued.

I know I shouldn't be starting this one yet. Since I have some requests that are also in the work. I have two other Transformers stories I'm about to work on called Two Minicons And A Sparkling and Dark Decepticon Knight. I was planning to start one of them but drew a blank on both and the plot bunnies for this one wouldn't leave me alone. Progress might be a bit slow because I have a lot I'm working on right now. And everything will get written it's just depends on when I get an idea for what. Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter I'll try to update soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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